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Mike Dragon

Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by Mike Dragon

  1. @Mike Dragon

    I read that part. The OP did not say anything about opt-in or opt-out.


    Wait, what are you talking about? I thought I made it clear in my suggestion that being able to manually toggle the feature must be an available option. ô.o

  2. The fact that you are offended by this tells me that there is a need for encryption. Mind you, not only the good guys can intercept traffic.


    No, I am not offended. Unpleased, yes, but not offended. Your remark was simply uncalled for. I am well aware of the risks I run everyday online. I'm a IT professional by profession. What bothered me is how literal you took me when I was obviously not referring to those specific kind of personal data when I said I have nothing to hide. Everyone needs to keep some of those info secret. That's just too obvious to think otherwise as you made it look like you did on your reply to my initial post.

  3. Ok then, please post:

    • Your bank account number + online banking login
    • Real name and full address
    • Times when noone is at home
    • Email address and password
    • Steam login and password

    Don't want to post one of them? Don't use such a sentence if you don't mean it!


    Regarding topic:

    Many modern multiplayer games encrypt their traffic. Not so much for privacy reasons, but to make it impossibe for players to manipulate the game traffic by injecting additional packets, altering or ommitting packets.


    Oooooh, suuuure. Take every single word I said as literal as you possibly can. As if you did not really understand what I meant. Or perhaps you really didn't. In which case that is something to be concerned about.


    And anyhow, those data are material that all of us are subject to have leaked in a way or another. Yourself included! It's not encrypting a video game that will decrease and chances of it all not happening. Besides, I'm just an ordinary citizen like you. Even if the government wants to know those information about me, there is absolutely nothing in my life that could be of interest for them or that I would want to keep in secret. And adding yet another besides, half of those info are already of their knowledge. And what isn't can easily be acquired with a permit if so the government want. Something that would only happen if I were under investigation for some sort of crime. Which I am not.


    Think further before you poke someone with such literal "understanding" of their phrases. That was unnecessarily rude.

  4. That is only acceptable as opt-in (i.e. turned off by default), as it invites banned people to stalk their reporters.


    "Though I understand that some people might not want "uninvited guests" lurking about their Steam profiles, so make it so members can toggle the display of that publicly at their will should definitely be an option in their profile settings. Allow each person to choose whether or not they want their Steam profile to be accessed from their ETS2MP/forums profile so that icon/link only shows if they set it up in the settings."


  5. Suggestion Name: Add to a member's profile a button/link to view their Steam profile.
    Suggestion Description: This would be the addition of a link to a ETS2MP member's profile so one can view that person's Steam profile straight from there. Though I understand that some people might not want "uninvited guests" lurking about their Steam profiles, so make it so members can toggle the display of that publicly at their will should definitely be an option in their profile settings. Allow each person to choose whether or not they want their Steam profile to be accessed from their ETS2MP/forums profile so that icon/link only shows if they set it up in the settings. Similarly to how contact options work in most forum boards. (Another option would add it to the forums profile, instead.)
    Any example images



    Why should it be added?: Not a necessity, really. But it could be useful in some way. I am not entirely sure of how useful this could be, though. One use I can think of is that perhaps this could somehow be useful for reports in some way. Many different places have that sort of option so I thought that perhaps it could also be implemented here. Most specifically in that area.

    • Upvote 6
  6. Aaaah well. I understood you wanted "easy" money. Sorry I misunderstood you. :)


    Faster way to earn legit money is by buying garages and hiring drivers. Every few in-game hours they'll make you money. The more drivers you have working for you, the more money they'll make. And faster, too. However as for now, the drivers only work on singleplayer. On MP you are on your own to earn money. I recommend hiring a bunch of them on SP and driving around for a while then sleep. Each time you sleep the drivers present some income. Short trips should be enough for you to be required to sleep. That should help you make the drivers make money while saving you time to spend on MP.

  7. No mods are allowed in Multiplayer (there actually is a rule for that) and most don't work, anyhow.


    So basically what you are doing is try to cheat money in? What a shame... though if you really want to do that I suggest you look up for guides on how to modify your save files. Money/Exp cheats are not forbidden but neither are they recommended in MP.

  8. This is nice but you do realize that many people may have changed their control settings so most of the keys shown may not be the same for all, right? Like myself. I have my hazards on X and right/left indicators on Z and C (respectively) and lift axle on ´, for example. Most of my keys don't match the chart.

    • Upvote 1
  9. We know that there still are some crashes, we are dealing with them and there should be another hotfix released soon.


    "Some crashes" is softening the matter. I literally can't play more than a minute or two without crashing. ):< And there's also that constant snowing, issue.

  10. Yeah, me too. It's all still the same for me no matter where I am in the game. :\ Completely unplayable in my case. On my last try I couldn't even make it from the repair shop to the other side of the block to pick up a trailer.

  11. As I said, it is "FORCED MOD" , there is no way to uninstall it. You have to live with SNOW IN SUMMER, may be till next update, may be NEVER if they please. 


    IMO they really should leave "Content" job to "SCS" and focus on more Multiplayer based improvements. 


    Snow in the summer? Eh. No biggie... here in Brazil it is not rare to have temperatures of 35º C or more in the winter. I can handle a little snow in the summer. =P


    I just wish the game wouldn't crash so much. It's happening so often for me that it has already rendered MP unplayable here on my end. At this point I'm better off waiting for a new patch.

  12. Is that serious? I mean, appart from traffic lights, weather and trains have been synced too?


    Not that I know of. At least they didn't mention it on the change log. I believe they would mention it if these were synced. They're kind of big deals, after all!

  13. by holding right click down, your mouse becomes available. I didn't know this either till today when I had the same problem.

    Yeah the distance was a great feature. Helped in seeing if someone was coming up behind or ahead of me.


    Oh, cool. I'll try that next time I play. I just hope it will work for me. I say that because I've set my M2 to flash the high beam and M1 to honk the horn.

  14. Right... this is all very good but I have a few questions:


    - How are we supposed to click on a player's Steam profile from the Players Near You list? No matter what the mouse won't let go off the camera so you can't bring the cursor to the list to select a name and click on the Steam Profile button.


    - Why was the distance removed? That was actually a pretty good feature!


    - Couldn't you guys have kept the list window on the center of the screen like it was before? And perhaps give it some opacity like before, too. The way it is now completely blocks the mirrors on trucks with the steering on the left side like mine (and please don't tell me to use the F2 mirrors because I hate using that. I hate unnecessary stuff on my screen and since the trucks themselves have mirrors, those are mostly unnecessary when you drive in Cam 1 all the time like I do). Not that it is a big issue, but it can get in the way in some cases more than having it on the center of the screen. :(

    • Upvote 1
  15. 180 no melhor ping não é um bom ping, desculpa Mike Dragon.. rsrs

    Um bom ping é ate 80, 70 e olhe lá..


    Não tenho lag com 180 na maioria dos jogos. Somente apartir de 200. Então sim. Pra mim 180 é um bom ping. Só me surpreende eu não ter lag em EU#1. Meu ping pe sempre acima de 230 mas mesmo assim eu não tenho lag notável. :s

  16. I mean that has no justification in latin america buy servers if the number of players is not justified.


    Oooh, that's what you are talking about.


    We already mentioned that. There are not enough players around here, indeed. And besides there is the US#1 server. Good ping there.

  17. end theme to nothing for the reasons already mentioned.


    It makes no sense to discuss something that numbers can not.


    Uuhh... what?


    I got it that you mean to say we should end this conversation but I really could not understand your sentences. :S

  18. @Claymaster T-REX


    Eu não me referia aos servidores em si. Eles são ok, na maioria. Me referia a qualidade da conexão em geral. De nada adianta o servidor funcionar bem se as conexões que entram e saem dele não prestam. Já joguei em vários servidores BR de TF2, por exemplo, onde todos os jogadores tinham pings variando de 10 a 40ms e mesmo assim havia um bocado de lag para a maioria. Bastante instável. O servidor pode ser bom mas de nada serve se todo o resto não é.


    Quanto ao exemplo que você apresentou (LoL), deve-se considerar que a companhia que contratou o serviço é uma companhia grande e com muitos recursos. Eles podem bancar a melhor qualidade possível que seu orçamento milhonário pode bancar. O resto tem que se virar com o que pode. E quando se trata de montar servidores com doações, orçamento não é algo do qual se pode abusar.





    Aaah... os russos... pessoinhas muito especiais, não são? A maioria dos encontros que tive com eles no jogo não foi exatamente agradável. Os BRs também não são nenhum santo. Eu diria que ambos estão em pé de igualdade no que diz respeito a barberagem. Mas acho que os russos tem um pouco de vantagem.


    Quanto a essa estória de jogar o caminhão em cima de você se você tenta ultrapassá-los... bom... acontece mesmo. É como se fazer isso fosse uma afronta à sua honra. Porém esse tipo de comportamento não está limitado somente a eles. Já vi muita gente de diversos países fazendo isso. Mas admito que este comportamento parece ser mais frequente nos russos. Êeeeeetaaaa vodka boa, hein!

  19. Isso já foi sugerido a um tempo atrás e a sugestão foi recusada. Custos, quantidade de jogadores, dissolução da comunidade, etc. Há muitas razões para não criar um servidor na Bananalândia. E se houvesse um, eu com certeza não jogaria nele, mesmo tendo um ping bom. Vão me desculpar pelo que vou dizer, mas quero distância dos brasileiros. Bom... dos "HUEHUEBR", para ser exato. :| A maioria dos brasileiros que encontro no jogo são péssimos na direção e só falam asneira no chat. Me desagrada muito jogar com algum por perto. Mas isso sou eu.


    Mas voltanto ao tópico... a principal razão para não se ter um servidor aqui seria o custo de hospedagem e manutenção. Se servidores já são caros na Europa/Estados Unidos, imagine aqui no Brasil onde TUDO que você possa imaginar é 2x/3x/4x mais caro que no resto do mundo? E além de caro não funciona direito. Qualquer um de vocês que mora no Brasil deve saber bem do que estou falando. :\ Sabem muito bem que a qualidade da internet no Brasil é uma caca. A conexão com certeza seria mais instável e haveriam mais problemas do que EU#1 em dia de problemas técnicos com 3994 jogadores conectados ao mesmo tempo.




    Além do mais já temos o servidor norte americano e o ping é bom. Se a questão é o ping então é só jogar lá e pronto. Problema resolvido.

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