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Veteran Driver III
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  1. Got it working now guys, but thanks for all the help! I reinstalled windows to fix it.
  2. Bump, still won't work :/ Anyone have issues with Windows 10 creators update?
  3. I have the creators update but I can't revert back from it easily because I just reinstalled my PC, so no previous versions of windows are on my PC.
  4. Hi there, Thanks for the reply, I don't have MSI afterburner or rivatuner. Don't have an Anti virus. Truckers MP is not in the firewall list. I will try and reinstall it completely, and yes I am running Windows 10 64 bit. I already have that.
  5. Hi guys, I just installed the latest version and when I double click the launcher it just does nothing? I made sure I put the correct ETS2 install path. When I try and right click on the application to try running as admin, my PC just freezes for a few seconds then doesn't open the rick click menu. Any help is appreciated thanks! Also I am running latest version of ETS2 and I just recently reinstalled my PC.
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