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Veteran Driver IV
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About riskywhale

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  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Dover
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  1. Hello everyone I know this thing might not be the best thing BUT I did say something like that E.G. play time, set time u have to been playing MP for and more
  2. ^ I did say something like that
  3. May I ask how would you know?
  4. I do like that and it is sounds good too
  5. Maybe a Driving test ?
  6. Yes the trucks can hit you I understand that BUT the car make you come to a stop there and then
  7. I do see where you are coming from you guys will have to do some many apps every day but it has to be better than us every day we go out of the app or can we get the devs to maybe fix it so the car is not super powerful Oh sorry mate I have never post a lot before
  8. Hello truckers I am making this to see what people think of the cars in game so right now in game car can hit us and stop us right here or send us out of the map and this can stop the fun in the game I know a lot of people who have left ETS and ATS because of this I think that we need to make it so people have to apply for it and this might be able to stop the trolls and if the dev team can fix it so they can't just stop us right there can people please vote on this Thank you Truckers Risky
  9. If someone wants to drive with me just hit me up on here or steam 

    1. doorgapmonsterTTV
    2. riskywhale


      Both bud 

      and sorry for the long reply

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