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Veteran Driver IV
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Status Updates posted by Deamontemps

  1. quick question about the AFK rule. Is it movement of truck or movement of any kind resets the counter. e.g. truck is parked up but using free cam to look at traffic/ accidents

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stilldre1976


      depends where your parked I think matey ie ncz fine

    3. heyhococo


      NCZ won't make a difference. Using free cam also doesn't count as movement.


      As long as you put something in chat like a space, a command, a / or anything or if you love the truck a tiny bit every 5 minutes you'll be fine. :)

    4. heyhococo


      *move the truck

  2. the amount of times i get hit at a red because someone is impatient is stupid. Even if it green and I go someone hits me from the side

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deamontemps


      I could do.


    3. Fezz


      As sad as it is, even if its green, i always have to look both ways to prevent this. :/

    4. Beefy32659_YT


      @kyle70001 Same. @Deamontemps Impatient drivers for you! :P 

  3. Im getting connection refused on eu 1 2 3 and i dont think im the only one


    1. MrHarv98


      Servers were restarted, Please try to connect again

    2. Deamontemps


      its all working again


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