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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by TrademarkGamer

  1. Suggestion Name:  Add an option to show the TruckersMP ID beside the name on the tab menu

    Suggestion Description: Add an option to show the TruckersMP beside the name on the tab menu

    Any example images: 

    Why should it be added?: Helps with people getting the wrong ID in reports and makes it easier to report for people who drive on keyboard

    • Upvote 3
  2. The rules are there for a reason. We want to be a community not at each other's necks constantly. To bring you up on the "this is NOT a kids game" it's rated PEGI 3 in the UK so anyone above the age of 3 can play.

  3. Had to get my joystick out for this one (excuse the innuendo). If you haven't already, go into the controls and click the input wizard. Go trough all the steps until it lets you mess with the axis. Play around with the axis and the dead zones, see if that works.

  4. Suggestion Name: Remove the need to have 4 characters in a search in-game
    Suggestion Description: Remove the need to have 4 characters in a search in-game

    Any example images: Nope

    Why should it be added?: I had a guy in a car by the name of KK, which is 2 characters under the limit for a search in the game. What happened was this guy followed me with a car onto the motorway and whacked into my side at full speed. I tried to /pinfo him but he had seemed to alt f4 his game as I f7'd to the service and he was nowhere to be seen. I then tried searching KK only to remember that the limit for characters was 4. Now, in this case, he had already exited the game which is why I couldn't search for him. If he hadn't exited the game I would have been able to search him without the character limit.

    • Upvote 4
  5. First of all, Welcome!


    If you didn't see them get banned then, No. Admins have a lot of reports in the In-Game system and may get to your report when the perp is doing nothing wrong! If they have already been banned the admin will decline the report, if they haven't they will be! :D 


    The in-game system has been around for ages, it's the online system that is new.

  6. Suggestion Name: Remove the name changes from a TMP Profile
    Suggestion Description: Remove the name changes from a TMP Profile or at least have it so that you can hide it and only the people that need to see it can because people that change their name alot such as me have a whole lot of space taken up on thier profile.

    Any example images: nope

    Why should it be added?: De-clutter people's profiles and reduce eyesore on them.

  7. Suggestion Name: Start recruiting admins from all parts of the team 
    Suggestion Description: Start recruiting admins from all parts of the team 

    Any example images

    Why should it be added?: Why should the media and support team have to work twice as hard to get to IGA than someone that gets straight into the Mod team? It would make getting admins so much easier as well, just because they aren't in the mod team doesn't mean they can't prove that they can handle the responsibilities. I'm not saying that we don;t have enough admins, I'm just thinking of myself in the boots of a media and support team person, they work so hard for so long and see people getting promoted to IGA within a month of getting into the team. It would annoy me if I was in either of those teams and probably annoys people in those teams.

    • Upvote 1
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