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Veteran Driver VII
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  1. Smalley's post in a Question about ban ( this question is for staff ) was marked as the answer   
    No it wouldn't class as ban by mistake unless the staff member has banned your ID by accident. If it's a deleted ban then that ban won't class as an active or even inactive ban anymore. Just imagine that it's not even there anymore. As well other users can not see that deleted ban. 
  2. Smalley's post in Bans was marked as the answer   
    Green= Active ban
    Yellow=Inactive ban
    Red= Deleted ban
    For a ban to be inactive you would have to wait a year to go by.  Say if I was banned on the 25th October 2016 then I would have to wait till 25th October 2017. (This is an example) 
    Hope this helps your question  
  3. Smalley's post in TruckersMP not launching ETS2 was marked as the answer   

    Please follow these instructions. 

    Download Ultrasurf.
    Run Ultrasurf.
    Open TruckersMP in Administrator Mode.
    Install the available updates (only the first run with Ultrasurf), wait for it to finish and Launch button appears.
    Exit Ultrasurf.

  4. Smalley's post in Verbal Warning was marked as the answer   
    As I have been told by @FirestarteR93 himself if you dont get another warning for at least a month then it wont effect you applying. 
  5. Smalley's post in Support recruitment was marked as the answer   
    I would say knowledge of english is a must as you will be working with the TruckersMP team no matter their language. As well I don't think it matters where you help people on the forum. But they mainly focus on the support section of the forum. If you show how much help you give to people as well as making a really good application for support then it will get noticed by the Support Team Leader and he might give you a chance of being a support member for TruckersMP. It's worth giving it a shot if you would like to help out but just remember they do get loads of applications so you will have to make yourself stand out more then the other applicants. 
  6. Smalley's post in Where is my VTC ? was marked as the answer   
    It's best to email [email protected] and ask them to take the post out of Archive now that you're back  I shouldn't worry as Archive doesn't really mean it's been trashed. It just means that it may be useful to others in the future. You can always ask to put it back 
  7. Smalley's post in Erro - Euro truck was marked as the answer   
    Seems like something is missing from your files 
    Try validating your game files. You can do this by 
    Going to your steam library > Right click 'Euro Truck Simulator 2' > Properties > Local files > Verify integrity of game files 
    This will update and will hopefully give you updated game files which is needed for ets2 
    Hope this helps  
  8. Smalley's post in Game Suddenly Freezes was marked as the answer   
    Due to MP being more in the future then your single player gameplay it will cause your game to freeze/crash if you have players. As it will load all the data which your drivers have earned and did over the time period of SP and MP. You can fix this by
    Waiting 15 minutes Fire all your drivers on SP.  Have 2 accounts 1 for single player and 1 for Multiplayer (Incase you don't want to get rid of your drivers in SP) 
  9. Smalley's post in Create a company was marked as the answer   
    Creating A VTC is really easy then you would think although you would have to put some work and effort into making one. 
    1) You would need to plan your VTC out (Name, Paint, logo etc.) 
    2) Think of how many people you would like in your company and what your requirements would be. (Age, Bans, Playtime etc.) 
    3) Think of your team staff member layout
    4) What communication software are you going to use? (Teamspeak, Discord) 
    5) You have to think about what websites you are going to use to submit jobs etc. things like www.worldoftrucksdatabase.com 
    6) Advertising your company. Advertise your company to gain drivers 
    7) Making sure to look professional
    8) (Optional) To gain a bit more reputation for your company you can always make events for people within the community to enjoy. 
    9. Finding out who is right and who is not right for your team (Firing your drivers etc.) 
    10) This is optional but you could always setup a website to help people learn about the company and what they should expect if they're planning on joining the company
    Although I have never ran a VTC before but these are the features which I have seen in a VTC
    Once your VTC is ready you can advertise it on the Euro Truck Simulator 2 discussion and American Truck Simulator discussion as long as it meets these requirements. 
    Meeting/making new friends Driving with new people Company may get know within the community Showing off your company. Could get you a bit more players in your company What makes a good company? full commitment and presentation. 
    Hope this helps and happy trucking!
  10. Smalley's post in Help with dlc was marked as the answer   
    You can see what Mods works with MP here
    As you mentioned DLC's All of the DLC's work apart from the Schwarzmuller DLC
    Hope this helps  
  11. Smalley's post in Traveling with admin was marked as the answer   
    The best solution you can do is ask them if they would like to go for a drive. 
    If you would like to organize a convoy and would like an admin to cover then you can message them either the pm system on the forum. 
    Hope this helps! Happy trucking
  12. Smalley's post in Pilot Car was marked as the answer   
    As a pilot driver you cannot gain money. The only thing you can do with the car is control convoys making sure they go the right way when it comes to a convoy. But people use it differently by having fun in it. So basically it's made for fun as well as lead members of the community in the right direction  
    Hope this helps  happy trucking!
  13. Smalley's post in Join others was marked as the answer   
    so there is a section on the forums for ATS and ETS2 section where there is a sub section on both of them called 'Companies' this is highly recommended as you can meet new people and make new friends. You can join people in driving together and doing jobs. However, joining a company does include filling put an application and meeting their requirements then doing a driving test to see if you're an acceptional driver for the company.
    Make sure that you and your friend have plenty of garages so you can both spawn in the same place. Make sure to agree on 1 place and also agree on what server to go on.
    You can also join events using www.ets2c.com or www.truckers.events and choose the events which you will be able you make and which ones you find interesting  
    Hope this helps  happy trucking!
  14. Smalley's post in Joining different servers was marked as the answer   
    Yes you are allowed. However, the servers are in different locations thats why they are named USA, Europe, Asia etc. You may get a weak connection when joining the server which is not suited for your connection. 
    Hope this helps  Merry christmas! 
  15. Smalley's post in login was marked as the answer   
    Try copying and pasting your login details from a notepad and if that doesnt work then make a support ticket via https://support.truckersmp.com/
    and from the the support staff will help you solve the situation. 
    Hope this helps  merry christmas! 
  16. Smalley's post in Problem with ferries was marked as the answer   
    This could be the case of WoT data servers taking as long as usual. It should be good soon. However, it may not be the case it could just be that you have many people in your company so you will need to fire them. If you would not like to fire them then you will have to wait a long time. I would suggest having 2 profiles. 1 for Single Player and 1 for multiplayer. Use your current profile for Single Player and make a new profile for Multiplayer. 
    Hope this helps! Merry Christmas
  17. Smalley's post in Delivery Location Non Existent was marked as the answer   
    There should be a green thing spinning around when entering the company. Pull up to it and then choose your location on where you would like to drop it off. It is a new feature to ets2 and the drop off point doesn't show anymore unless you go to the green spinning thing and click a location where you would like to drop off your trailer. 
    Hope this helps! Merry Christmas  
  18. Smalley's post in It says this and wont let me open the client to launch ats was marked as the answer   
    Try running your game as 'Administrator Mode' you can do this by right clicking on the game via your desktop then hopefully your issue should be fixed
    Hope this helps! merry christmas  
  19. Smalley's post in Communication Error was marked as the answer   
    Try running your game as 'Administrator Mode' you can do this by right clicking on the game via your desktop then hopefully your issue should be fixed
    Hope this helps! merry christmas  
  20. Smalley's post in Can my account registered, log in website, but can not login in the game was marked as the answer   
    I would highly recommend putting your email and password into a notepad then copy and paste it into the box, however. If this does not work then you can always create a ticket via https://support.truckersmp.com/ and from there the support staff will help you through the process of your situation. It may be the case of your account not being activated or it could just be that you have put it in wrong. 
    Hope this helps  Good luck and Merry Christmas!
  21. Smalley's post in Login failed was marked as the answer   
    As suggested above please login into your steam account and then login into TruckersMP. Make sure that all your details are correct. you can always write your email & password down in a notepad and copy and paste it into the correct boxes which asks you for your details. if you're not able to login in then try contacting the support staff by creating a ticket and from there they will help you solve your current issue. 
    Hope this helps! happy trucking!
  22. Smalley's post in Christmas Paintjob DLC ATS was marked as the answer   
    It should be available by now, if it isn't then you will have to wait patiently.  don't worry we still have a few days until Christmas and by then it should be out Hopefully but if it isn't then we will have to patiently wait until the developers officially release it. But I am most certain they will bring it out so you don't need to worry  
    Hope this helps! happy trucking!
  23. Smalley's post in Multiplayer loads Singleplayer was marked as the answer   
    I have had this issue so many times and how I resolved it is by loading up steam first then loading TruckersMP. If you just load up TruckersMP without starting steam first then it will not notice if you're logged into steam or not so it will only take you to Single Player. By logging into steam first it will take you to TruckersMP server list when loading the application up afterwards and from there you will be able to play.
    Hope this helps! happy trucking!
  24. Smalley's post in Company was marked as the answer   
    Creating A VTC is really easy then you would think although you would have to put some work and effort into making one. 
    1) You would need to plan your VTC out (Name, Paint, logo etc.) 
    2) Think of how many people you would like in your company and what your requirements would be. (Age, Bans, Playtime etc.) 
    3) Think of your team staff member layout
    4) What communication software are you going to use? (Teamspeak, Discord) 
    5) You have to think about what websites you are going to use to submit jobs etc. things like www.worldoftrucksdatabase.com 
    6) Advertising your company. Advertise your company to gain drivers 
    7) Making sure to look professional
    8) (Optional) To gain a bit more reputation for your company you can always make events for people within the community to enjoy. 
    9. Finding out who is right and who is not right for your team (Firing your drivers etc.) 
    10) This is optional but you could always setup a website to help people learn about the company and what they should expect if they're planning on joining the company
    Although I have never ran a VTC before but these are the features which I have seen in a VTC
    Once your VTC is ready you can advertise it on the Euro Truck Simulator 2 discussion and American Truck Simulator discussion as long as it meets these requirements. 
    Meeting/making new friends Driving with new people Company may get know within the community Showing off your company. Could get you a bit more players in your company What makes a good company? full commitment and presentation. 
    Hope this helps and happy trucking!
  25. Smalley's post in ETS MP doesn't work ( was marked as the answer   
    Your current situation is that you're clicking both of your old shortcuts like 'Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer' and 'American Truck Simulator Multiplayer' you need to click this http://prntscr.com/djiwz8 then from there it will lead you to a menu where you can update your game and choose what game you would like to play  
    Hope this helps! good luck!
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