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About Zuwaxer

  • Birthday 04/28/2006

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    Turkish, English

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  1. Hello @stari123, Thank you for your valuable opinion and support to the issue. Kind regards, Zuwaxer TruckersMP Player Hello @Mr Teddy, Thank you for your valuable opinion and support to the issue. Kind regards, Zuwaxer TruckersMP Player
  2. Hello @djoh, Thanks for explaining the situation better. Kind regards, Zuwaxer TruckersMP Player
  3. Hello @Santos., Thanks for your answer, I think the same way, I hope it will be added to the game. Kind regards, Zuwaxer TruckersMP Player
  4. Hello @Somehow Lucky, I don't understand exactly what you mean for the fps loss in the tab menu because the players report panel will not change at all, only the game moderators panel will be sorted. And for a player to report someone who has done nothing will make no sense to game moderators because it will be of low priority. The loss of time that may occur as a result of a team's abuse of this will be many times less than the loss of time caused by players who disrupt the flow of all traffic in the old report system or block the road. Anyway, thank you for your valuable answers. Kind regards, Zuwaxer TruckersMP Player
  5. Hello @ROSMERY, Thank you for your valuable opinion and response, my target suggestion is a work that will benefit both players and game moderators. Kind regards, Zuwaxer TruckersMP Player
  6. Hello @kocalparslan97, Thank you for your explanatory response, I hope we can manage to bring this application into the game. Kind regards, Zuwaxer TruckersMP Player Hello @djoh, I reviewed your suggestion and found it successful, but you probably didn't get the answer you wanted because you weren't very descriptive. I hope we can achieve something with this suggestion. Kind regards, Zuwaxer TruckersMP Player
  7. Hello @Rukia Brujin, We will not ignore the timeout, it will be prioritized according to the report density within the timeout. Thanks for your valuable response. Kind regards, Zuwaxer TruckersMP Player
  8. Suggestion Name: In-Game Report Priority Suggestion Description: Hello, especially in-game reports are very busy during active hours and many in-game reports cannot be intervened by game moderators due to this situation. Due to the lack of intervention in this intensity, some important in-game reports cannot be intervened immediately. My suggestion is that the more a player is reported in the in-game report system, the higher priority the game moderators have in the report panel and the faster they can respond to important incidents. Suggestion Example: For example, a player blocks a very important key point on the Calais - Duisburg road, and because the player blocking the road has been reported multiple times by multiple people, it shows up in the game moderators' report panel in green, yellow or red depending on the number of reports it has received, and the reported player has a high priority and a prominent color on the game moderators' panel, and the game moderator prioritizes these reports. Why should it be added?: In-game reports will be prioritized and intensified, so that important reports can be intervened faster. Priority Ranking; Red: 25-∞ Reported player, high priority. Yellow: 10-25 Reported player, medium priority. Green: 0-10 Reported player, low priority. Note: The rating has been made as an example only. It can be edited. Kind regards, Zuwaxer TruckersMP Player
  9. Hello @KacaKTV, Adding this suggestion or an alternative to the game will be a very positive move for the players, especially I think it will prevent most accidents. I will be supporting and following your suggestion. Kind regards, Zuwaxer TruckersMP Player
  10. Hello @Kovácssss, I really like your suggestion and I absolutely agree with it, it will help us to avoid long traffic queues and to have a smooth flow of traffic. Kind regards, Zuwaxer TruckersMP Player
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