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Veteran Driver
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Everything posted by andnovator

  1. Thank you for some very simple tip, found 1 g egg. Don't want to "collect" them all, but I'm new for this event, even if I played TMP for few years. Great "egg" design, good event too!
  2. I read TMP rules, and it contains "§3 - SAVE EDITING", so for me it always was: save editing = permanent ban. But I see a lot of tutorials about save editing on this forum, so I little confused about certian "editing". For example. I like from time to time drive in Alps in TMP. So I sometimes create saves in certian map positions to load from it. Of course, I save game in offroad positions. Still, after game update it's useless. As save files contains truck position, hypothetically, it can be edited. I don't want to brake TMP rules, so my question: Is ANY save editing for truck position illegal on TMP? Can save editing for truck position lead to permanent ban?
  3. I appreciate this Looks like a job for the winter physics mod and car
  4. Wow, I appreciate all the answers, all was new for me, thx a lot FOR ALL (also realy fast!). I especially appreciate the patience of @Samdereli with a description of enabling possibly hidden extensions, all is enabled "by default" on my PCs Btw, is it feature that TruckersMP (new launcher) stored all mods, that it downloaded, without removing it? As a "cache", yes? I though that april fools road .mp file was "cleaned" up after "update", but no btw, does "7rGblP47hlVigzHJ9TeL.mp" filename mean something or simple "not to use "aprill" word" [or is it simply auto-generated name]?
  5. After I saw April Fools 2023 Calais -> Duisburg road, I was interested - how trcukersmp laucher do it - map and model modification? For example, "default" ets2 mod (i think) uses some game files to "insert" modifications, and also often placed into game directory. But truckersmp live on AppData (for windows, "new" launcher). Or as truckersmp starts as dedicated for the game, can it do "anything"? Btw, can this april fools 2023 road used with default ets2 game as "mod"? Can it be downloaded or "extracted" from truckersmp "cache" (btw, where this cache placed...)
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