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Everything posted by CarefreePrism

  1. I think this is a good possibility for sure. The only issue I could see with this solution is that people could recklessly merge onto the added lane near the railroad crossing. You brought up a good point of not changing the road's unique features, and I think that the one lane per direction road is another unique feature so another option could be good as well. Seeing how lanes were added for a brief period near the reworked turbine interchange, this could be very successful. Also doubling the capacity of the railroad crossing would eliminate wait times. Another thing I thought about was changing the frequency of train traffic. Does anyone know if this crossing can be changed by lowering the frequency of passing trains?
  2. Suggestion Name: Calais to Duisburg railway crossing rework Suggestion Description: I would like to rework the C-D road railway crossing. I've seen the TMP team do a lot of work around the C-D road in the past few years, and it has really improved the user experience. This is commendable for sure! I would like to suggest the next step for possibly improving this route. I looked around previous suggestions and saw people asking for teleportation pads or similar. A possible rework for the crossing could be to implement a bridge which goes over the railway crossing. The TMP team has expertly reworked intersections before in the map, and I see having a bridge over the railway crossing as a great alternative to removing the crossing entirely. This would allow traffic to pass free flowing over the railway crossing and bypass the difficult wait times at this point on the most popular TMP route. Any example images: None Why should it be added? I, like many other players have waited in queues of vehicles before the railroad crossing between Calais and Duisburg. I've seen wait times of up to 20 minutes with traffic backing up past the reworked Brussels turbine interchange, with averages around peak times of 10 minutes. This can really add up and considering hundreds of players queue here daily countless hours have been spent waiting at this intersection. I feel that we could really improve the user experience by implementing a few changes to this railroad crossing.
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