I was wondering what the required activity is for having a VTC. In the rules section 3.1 states that you need to have a VTC if you want to create a VTC (see quote below) but I'm not entirely sure what the exact requirements for it are. I would love to make a VTC for a few friends and family to join so we can have a nice experience as if we made our own company. Since the wording reads a little vague to me I'm not entirely sure if my situation would be acceptable, the specific questions I have regarding this are the following.
- Are you required to actively promote or recruit for your VTC?
- Do you need to have an active history in-game? will your VTC get removed if there has been an inactive period?
- Is there a minimum size your VTC needs to be?
- Is a website or socials required?
Reading the rules I've already established this VTC will most likely not be eligible for validation or verification but I couldn't find the answers about simply starting a VTC.
Kind regards,
~ Cheshie