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Major UA

Veteran Driver II
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  1. Excuse me, but these functions have been implemented in the SCS a long time ago and work great in a single player game
  2. When will adaptive cruise control be implemented in TMP? When will auto lighting be implemented in TMP? Or will it never happen?
  3. The proposal template should not be an ultimatum - only a recommendation! Accordingly, a ban cannot be applied in the game.
  4. Did I mention turn signals somewhere? We were talking about pneumatic and conventional signals. After today's update the signals are working
  5. After the TMP update I don’t hear anyone’s signals Only my signal can be heard Auto light also doesn't work. And this is one of the main new functions of ETS2 1.49
  6. It's not good when it rains for one and the sun shines for another. We need the same weather conditions for everyone.
  7. Made 4 deliveries to different cities, but only 2 were counted. Smells like cheating...
  8. I bought a bus and took a ride. And what to do with him next?
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