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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by .StεvƐ.

  1. @Teddy_CZ The thing is, wouldn't it be fairer for all to set a timer on your vehicle when departing the port that keeps you in no clip mode until either you are clear of all other vehicles or the timer runs out? That would stop NCZs being abused by trolls while still allowing you to safely depart a port without issue. 


    Alternately you could just just simply avoid pulling either Heavy Hauls or Doubles where you have to make a ferry or train crossing. 


    I mean, expanding NCZs has been asked for a lot over the years, from petrol station NCZs to parking zones to expanded company entrance NCZs to ports... so you have to ask yourself, if it's such a fool proof idea, why hasn't it been accepted in the past? I know in the past, NCZs were tied to the prefabs so wherever the prefab ended, that's your NCZ, I'm not 100% sure if that's still the same now or not, but that was a contributing factor back then. Plus the age old problem of trolls blocking or sitting on the edge of the zones causing trucks to be flung around like toys. 


    So so in my honest opinion, yes there is a issue with getting larger loads out of ports, but I don't think making no collision zones wider, even by a few metres is going to be the best option,.

  2. 22 hours ago, Nao-chan said:


    But they probably won't stay that way forever, so sooner or later this problem will come up

    Well seeing as SCS are conforming to the real world regulations where doubles are and are not legal, I doubt it'll change unless someone makes a mod that is verified and allowed, but I doubt that'll appear anytime this year.


    20 hours ago, Teddy_CZ said:

    Are you sure that expanding non-collision area is about changing DLC? If the could make non-collision server with all DLC, when they couldn't expand non-collision there? 

    That's not what I'm talking about, I'm tracking about changing the DLC to allow Doubles in more than Scandinavia. But theoretically if you can manoeuvre a heavy haul trailer in the space given within the current NCZs, you can manoeuvre a double in the same space as they are similar in length. 


    But honestly, what's the point in sugar coating the issue, expanding NCZs is equivalent of putting a plaster on a severed leg, it's not going to make much difference and just ending up adding to the problem. I mean, what's acceptable for expansions? 50M? 100M? 200M? 500M? Plus you'll always get the issue of trolls blocking roads on the outer edges of NCZs and casing chaos, it's why the small NCZs work well because the chances of being troll blocked and being glitches out is a lot less than if the NCZ was expanded to take in the junction or a short stretch of road.

  3. 20 hours ago, Teddy_CZ said:

    The same is in Europort, the non-collision area are expanded than was the original. It's true, doubles are available only in Scandinavia, but although players still can go there, even they will break the rules.  

    You can't modify something that is hard coded into the dlc without breaking it and making people crash and glitch, it's not like replacing one train led skin with another or changing one trailer weight to another.


    If the NCZ was expanded, you still will get people getting stuck or glitching out no matter what.

  4. Although it would help with heavy hauls, it's more of a matter of how much space is required and how to avoid trolling on the outer edges, same as if all nczs at companies were expanded across the entry road, you'd have trolls blocking it for days.


    Also, doubles will not be an issue in ETS2 as they are only available in Scandinavia to places in Scandinavia.


    my only suggestion would be to try and spin yourself around as best you can when at the ports so that you are less likely to clip through other vehicles. Or try to take heavy hauls that don't require ferry crossings, especially in populated ports.

  5. I have to give this idea a mixed voted because the principle is cool and would really add to the whole premise of the game, but there is a lot of room for error and issues.


    firstly, unless a user is asked general knowledge questions, not country/state/county/province specific questions, then it would work, but if you ask a question about a specific traffic rule for a specific country, then unless you are familiar with the country and road rules, then its biased, so really, all questions have to be based upon rules that are known in most countries.


    secondly, unless there is a strict rule that is put In place where the user will be temporarily removed from playing if they answer incorrectly, otherwise, anyone can open a wiki page and find the answer in a few seconds without really thinking about it.


    thirdly, what sort of impact would  this sort of system have? Is it to reduce trolls? Make roads safer? 


    Also, it's hard to base a test for a virtual world on real world statistics, the best way would be to compile a rule book and questions based upon the VIRTUAL world and not the real world, with a crib sheet and fact file accessible on this website where people can read up on the rules of the virtual roads and what each sign means and what each road marking is there for. That would take this idea to the next level and make it more appealing for use in TMP.

  6. -1 there's no need for yet another server that is for those wanting to drive a car around. It's just not cost effective to open and run another server that might fill with more than 100 people every other day, if EU2 was still held at 2500 max players, then teach another server for overspill would make more sense but when the server doesn't hit max capacity as often nowadays, there's no point.


    plus, out of all servers for ETS2, there's more servers that allow cars than not so you can always join one of those if you're desperate to drive a car.

  7. -1 horn spam isn't really such a big issue, or at least, isn't a big enough issue to warrant a strict automatic system, especially as 10-15 seconds isn't that long, what if someone cuts in queue so someone holds the horn down to draw attention to the queue jumper? The bigger priority is the jumper as they could cause an accident.


    Also, is it really fair to kick someone from the server just for using their horn? It's like the police arresting you for honking your horn IRL, it's too strict of a punishment for a minor issue, yeah if someone's holding their horn for over a minute, then it can be seen as annoying because that's plenty of time to get the message across, but 10 seconds is way to short.


    plus, if horn spamming was such an issue, why allow people 9 seconds with a 1 second cooldown? That's effectively saying, "carry on holding it down". Either say no spamming full stop or impose strict guidelines with no cooldown.

  8. On 30/07/2017 at 0:52 PM, Vellaco [ESP] said:

    Suggestion Name: Limit the Heavy cargo and Doubles trailers to EU1

    Suggestion Description: In my opinion its very unrealistic, or even impossible with the heaviest ones, to drive a truck with these trailers faster than 110km/h limitation on Eu1. This way we could avoid some rammings to slow traffic and reduce the reports.

    This rule could be implemented as the same way as cars are automatically kicked from Eu1, if you connects to Eu2 or Eu3 with this cargo, you are automatically kicked.

    Any example images: Nope

    Why should it be added?: I really like drive this cargoes, but i feel very unsecured of ramings and trolling on EU2, but if I try to go on Eu1, its almost empty, and this new rule should fill it again. 

    -1 with the way the heavy cargos are, the more speed you can get the better, hence why EU2 is more beneficial because there's no limiters meaning you can floor it and keep your momentum, and yes, although ramming and trolling is a big issue, trolls still join EU1 anyway so you'll never escape being rammed or trolled anyway.


    Also, most people don't get their jobs from single player because of the server sync can make that load expired before you even leave, so banning people from joining with these loads won't work and removing them is not an option nor is it fair on those who paid for the dlc. The only way to remove the loads from the other servers is to manually force players to uninstall the dlc packs each time they want to play on the other servers.


    Also, playing in the more hectic and popular servers and adding in the heavy loads and longer trailers adds to the difficult and adds more of a wanted challenge.


    So in my opinion, all loads should be allowed on all servers, only things added by the TMP team should be regulated.

  9. +1 for the concept, -1 for the execution, having an open player based system is subject to abuse, but I agree that there is nothing that promotes good behaviour.


    On 07/08/2017 at 6:12 PM, ThatCrazyPillow said:

    Hi there,


    I really don't think this is needed. Those players who've done something good, aren't banned and that's a good sign for me lol.

    I do not disagree on this though, but I also don't think it will be accepted as it isn't really needed.




    The thing is, when all you see is ban, ban, ban, kick, kick, kick in chat and yet there's plenty of good drivers out there who just don't get recognised, yet if they put a toenail out of line instantly get banned, there's just no incentive to keep following the rules, especially when you get "trigger happy" admins who kick and smallest violation, it makes a lot of people just give up on following the rules, that's why the concept of a reward system is the right direction to go,  not only will it keep those already on the straight and narrow going, but will be a incentive for those who get caught up in breaking rules to try and follow the rules more.


    in my opinion,  this type of idea should be considered, but not in this variation.

  10. -1 we already have the CB radio with multiple channels to select, all you have to do is select a rarely used channel to use for convoys, so any channel from 1 - 18 is available, if the co-ordinator wishes to speak to traffic or admins direct, they can switch to general channel (19) and broadcast there.


    if you just want privacy, then setting up a discord or teamspeak server with private passwords to keep communication to members, then that's your best bet.

  11. On 25/07/2017 at 8:45 AM, K??V?TI? said:

    it wont even get added, they've been refusing to add more active admins when everyone has been asking for them for ages :/


    the ingame thing is probably sorted now for the replay but they should have a team who deals with website reports, i reported someone on the 11th july and it still hasn't been claimed.....

    The reason why the team isn't expanding rapidly is because it takes time to train people to deal with situations professionally, I mean, if you leave it to an amateur, anyone who makes a wide turn would get a years ban, plus the team have to trust new members and trust can't be earned in a 5 minute meet and greet.


    its the same for having a separate team for reports, people will need to be taught how to do the job professionally and be trusted to make the correct decisions, which would take just as long as if admins carried on, plus, you would need a team 2-5x the size of the current admin group to keep up with demand and I just don't see that many people volunteering their spare time to go through reports and videos. 


    On 27/07/2017 at 0:14 PM, Joao Rodrigues said:

    We should canvass first why so many reports are send.

    I assume that some reports contain only minor incidents that are magnified by injured pride.


    If we players learn to keep our heads and think about if an incident is really worth a report, we could likely reduce the workload of the administrators and speed up the processing.

    Most of the time reports on the webpage are for genuine reasons and that is what this suggestion is aimed at, not ingame reports, besides, I personally would rather people report for minor incidents than not report at all, if someone wasn't paying attention and rammed me, then they will get a report because they should be paying attention to the road, I mean if no one reports minor incidents, then what's the point of having server rules against things? May as well just go hog wild and do 100MPH everywhere, ram everyone for more points and do reckless stuff for the hell of it.


    Plus, with a community of this size, even if we reduced "useless" reports, admins would still be overwhelmed with reports because there's always going to be someone doing something wrong somewhere.

    5 hours ago, TFM DJ Liam said:

    I agree plus there seems to be quite a few users who think they're admins by reporting every single thing they see even if its nothing to do with them like a crash could be an accident and the person at fault could apologise but you still get that person who has nothing to do with the crash reporting the user after they apologise like in my opinion people should just mind their own business and report things that only affect them :P

    Well technically, if an accident occurs and is blocking the flow of traffic, then that is affecting them. So argument lost there.


    plus, most people will report something they see if they see who exactly caused it in the first place, I mean personally I've never seen someone report someone else without probable cause.


    And again, we are talking about website reports here, not ingame reports, web reports require evidence to prove what happens happens. 


    Just saying.

  12. On 03/08/2017 at 11:59 PM, FernandoCR [ESP] said:

    ^^ I got that, but still wrong. Most people playing TruckersMP go too fast, don't respect any actual road rules. That's not "wanting a realistic experience". Unless in their countries, that's the way people drive actually. I can only speak from my experience and in Spain you don't see many trucks going faster than 80 Km/h.

    The thing is, back in my early ETS2MP days I drove dead on the speed limit and followed every rule to the exactly letter, but after being rammed hundreds of times, ran off the road, sworn at, brake check and abused, I took off the limiters and run at my own pace that's not dangerous to me at all, I mean, speed wise I only do 5MPH more on back roads than the posted limits and on motorways I only do 70MPH, in my years of playing, I would say it's more of a 70/30 split with 3/10 trucks being reckless. But as you say, it's all just opinion.


    i just feel that unless things like connecting air brake hoses, heaters, winding windows, clickable switches, realistic fuel prices and fill ups, hunger and thirst etc, tug testing, jacknifing, etc etc, the list goes on, if all that's added, then you could add a truly realistic server with all strict entry rules etc, but till, then you cannot call any server a realistic server, roleplay, yes, realistic, not until you can hop out of your truck and take a leak in a patch of trees before continuing your journey.

  13. 2 hours ago, revoluti0n said:

    I'm sure there will be some form of function to force spawn a specific trailer. If not, then this game isn't programmed how I thought it was.

    Oh there are ways, but it requires intensive file editing, the simple "same trailers for all" would be to get everyone to download a mod that only spawns x trailer, grab a load going to y destination in singleplayer, join mp and the trailer should save, but it's a lot of work.


    people forget that not everyone is a part of a VTC or wants VTC specific things and with a game that isn't exactly design to run multiplayer, it's hard to code things to spawn identically for multiple players, I mean, there isn't anything like a "create your own jobs" in the game so really it's down to the luck of the draw.

  14. 10 hours ago, LSTVTC Bradleyj307 C.E.O said:

    Suggestion Name: A realistic server 

    Suggestion Description: A server where anyone who wants to drive realistically on a server without trolls. 

    Any example images: N/a

    Why should it be added? So people who wanna drive realistically without trolls can without a £100,000 repair bill (ok maybe only about £60k but still you get the point).

    The issue isn't the fact that servers are not realistic as is, it's just the fact that trolls are everyone, so how can you keep any troll from joining a fully realistic server? IP ban? Player auto kick? Level cap? Cash cap? Rating cap? 


    Also, we all would love servers to be more realistic but everyone has a different opinion on what should be added/removed/changed.

  15. It's borderline what's possible with the actual games code because all player loads are randomly generated when time is set, so in order to allow specific players get loads all going to the same location while keeping the random loads spawn would require a lot of modification to the way loads are generated, it's one of those things that is difficult to setup without actively editing people's games.

  16. 23 hours ago, sko0923 said:

    Going 10 over the limit is not a bannable offence, unless you are doing it in a really busy area (like Duisburg) and cause an accident which would have been prevented had you been following the limit in a laggy area. either way, I've never seen anybody get banned for that. So, you can probably file a complaint for that admin if what you mentioned is indeed true.

    Well, there you have it. You are recklessly driving, which is against the rules. Admins don't ban for desync, if you had to go into the oncoming lane due to desync you can appeal it and will most likely get the ban lifted. That being said, if you weren't tailgating the guy before that. By your posts in this thread seems like you think breaking the rules should be acceptable as long as no admin is present, and when an admin is not visible but is there its not fair. No, I think whats not fair is ruining other people's gameplay. And breaking the rules, which you should be banned for. Admin there or not, if you do something stupid in a high population area, chances are somebody got it on video and will file a report. Hope you get what I'm saying, but admins are here to keep the game clean. There shouldn't be restrictions as to when they should or shouldn't be able to do that, and you really shouldn't be worried about that if you don't break the rules as mentioned above. If its an innocent mistake and you have evidence to prove it, you can make an appeal. Mistakes can happen regardless if an admin is present or not. Having a marked admin there doesn't mean you're now not prone to mistakes. Hope you understand.




    I've seen some weird bans in my time, from the most rediculous to the most petty, it's just a part of life in TMP really, besides, what grounds would I have to lie? I'm not that kind of person.


    second, please read the full statement before quoting snippets that have 0 context, what the context was, is that sometimes, because of desync and lag, you can be perceived by others, including admins, as driving recklessly, when in fact you're not. Yes, if someone is driving recklessly on purpose, then by all means ban them, what I'm talking about is the times where lag and desync make it look like something it's not. 


    In in all honesty, the report system as it stands should be modified to capture in the background your session and save it to a separate server, but to avoid that going into the millions of GBs required, after every session, if nothing happens and a specific command not entered, then the data is overwritten, that way, people don't have to rely on 3rd party sources for video evidence that is subject to maintainable/corruption or disconnection (believe me it's annoying when you're driving and something happens, so go to save the recording to find the program glitches and didn't record a damn second).

  17. -1 this is something to put to SCS not TMP, and seeing as SCS are planning to update lighting and flares in an upcoming update, I don't see the point of adding a third party add on.


    plus in a multiplayer community it's about what the majority want to see and orange lights and flares isn't one of the top contenders at all.

  18. 15 hours ago, Nameless Ghoul said:

    No you're right marked ones are better. Sometimes however it's nice to catch people in the act.

    I mean let's face it, it doesn't matter whether an admin is on or offline, people will still break rules.


    13 hours ago, FirestarteR93 said:

    I don't see how reporting an admin is disrespectful in any way. Also the only minor exceptions in the rules are for admins who are on duty and they apply only when its necessary to fulfil their duty.


    Anyway, when you get reported at the  website and get banned, you still don't see the admin, so i doubt if seeing admin will make huge difference - after all, people should behave properly even when there's no admins.


    In other words, I don't care at all if you get annoyed because you got banned - I care that you ruined other people's gameplay (messed them up/insulted them) and that you should  pay the price for it.  You are responsible for your actions and getting banned is just a result of these actions. 

    It's more about having respect for authority figures, I mean, what if that admin was offline but got a report of an incident down the road that they could attend to without dev cam? 


    Its more on principle for for those who "bend" the rules, for example, I've seen people get banned from the server for doing 10 over the speed limit in a quietist area, by admins that aren't even visible to anyone.


    i mean take it from our POV you're driving along, everything is fine on your screen, yet let's say on an admins screen who is unmarked, you're all over the road, excessively accelerating and tailgating etc, you get banned for reckless driving, by an admin you never saw or knew about, it's pretty unfair, especially with desync and it is a common occurrence at certain times.


    in my personal opinion, I'd rather admins hide in plain sight so that if someone's stupid enough to break the rules then and there, then it's a fair deal, but when an admin is hidden and such, it's just not fair for the average driver, I mean, it's not like everyone drives trucks for a living or is immune to making mistakes, and I've seen ruthless unmarked admins just ban indescriminately for minor mistakes or who look at a situation and read it wrong, I've seen guys get kicked by nmsrked admins for "overtaking in a high traffic zone" (myself included) when in actual fact, we are the ones who were in line but got pushed out of line by some kid screaming down off the side of the road and barging in. 


    So honestly, the more marked admins are, the better more presence equals more behaviour, especially in busy areas, it's like owning a burglar alarm, it only ever alerts you after the windows smashed and stuff is taken, that's what it's like with unmarked admins, it doesn't stop incidents from happening, they just clear up the mess after the incident occurs.

  19. 12 hours ago, TheHanvod said:


    Good question, I dont really know how to make this system fair. You can change count of reports to 30, 40 or more. We need to know average count of reports per player to consider that. Admins cant ban every person that driving like idiot, but normal driver never will get a lot of reports for nothing. 


    Mostly ramming and blocking. That peoples will never be able to play on private server.


    I think trolls will stuck at free servers. They can troll and get bans at free server, what the reason to going for trolling at private? Playing like good boy for 1-2 weeks at free to ram someone at private and loose private bypass after 1-2 days of trolling?


    The thing is, if you go by in game reports then no one will join the private server because at some point someone will report you for something, whether it be desync or misinterpretation of the rules, it happens all the time, plus you have to take into account the troll groups who report people for no reason, going off of how many reports against a player for a representation of who they are and how they behave, isn't the best, anyone can report anyone else for any random reason, it doesn't matter, the only thing that should matter is the number of bans they have and for what.


    fair enough, but say someone is reported/kicked/banned for blocking when they're not intentionally doing so or are not on their screen, is it fair to remove their privelleges for that reason? 

    Honestly, it's better to say that any rule breaking that is related to trolling activity witnessed is then applicable for the whole privellege removal.


    its the mindset of a troll, if there's a way to bring misery to other people enjoying their day, then they will do it, even if they get to only do do for a day or 2, there's nothing stopping them making multiple burn accounts and just rejoining every so often, it happens nowadays as is.

  20. 15 hours ago, Nameless Ghoul said:

    The simple answer is don't do anything that breaks a rule. Then you will not be punished in the first place. Admins are not going to waste time passing information on when we have the power to deal with it there and then. The only person to blame at that point is the person that broke a rule. What isn't fair is users causing chaos for other users and us letting them get away with it and carry on driving. So the simple answer, dont break the rules. We add evidence to show where the user was banned so they can see that and know they commited an offense. If we're logged in many people wouldn't cause an offense because an admin is there.


    We ban a lot of people in a session and we don't have time to waste.

    But surely if you guys are logged in, then people won't commit offences, but if you're "undercover" then chaos will prevail because the trolls, the rammers etc, they feel they can get away without consequence, even though there's an undercover admin there, if someone is foolish enough to troll in front of a marked admin, well then they deserve all they get, but let's say, someone's running behind so starts recklessly driving, if there's a marked admin there, then chances are they will stamp the brakes and act normal to avoid suspicions, whereas if an unmarked admin is there, chances are they could pass the admin and wreck seconds later and block the road.


    So in my opinion, more marked admins is better than unmarked because it has the same affect as seeing a marked police car IRL people tend to behave more and follow rules more, compared to unmarked. 


    14 hours ago, FirestarteR93 said:


    Hold on a second, they are here to keep away as many of the trolls as possible. As player I come here to kill some time and relax - the only legit reason to worry about admins is when I intend to break the rules.


    Also about your case,from what you described, it looks more like admin violating the rules, so you could've report him for that - rules are rules and they apply for everyone

    It's all about thinking about it from a normal persons pov, if you're blowing through traffic and such and suddenly get banned, you're likely to get annoyed and wonder how because you didn't see any admin so are likely to spam the feedback, appeals and forums about it, whereas if you blow past a marked admin and the same thing happens, then you can more easily chalk it up as a stupid mistake and move on, it's all about psychology, if you can get into the mind of someone breaking rules, you can prevent further incidents and issues.


    and as for my case, I didn't report the admin because I did not want to disrespect an authority figure, but you ask those who regularly drive the roads and it happens more frequently than it should where admins that are offline e bend and break rules just to get somewhere, the same rules they stand to uphold against others.

  21. 15 hours ago, Nameless Ghoul said:

    ^ Well, we are meant to be not seen. That's the point of the admins. Sometimes we go for a drive (rarely) and get into some trouble so we have to sort it out there and then. It doesn't matter what status we are, driving, unmarked car, in dev cam, if you're doing something wrong you're going to be punished for it and all that matters is an admin saw you. You don't need to focus on what the admin was doing, the fact is they caught you doing it. Now it has been said in the past admins can break rules, however we don't for that purpose. So we don't seem better than everyone else. If we're driving we may overtake to get to the chaos in front. When logged out of admin, you're right, it's best to not ban people, however we do and will, for that reason. People will commit an offence and not know we're there, and we use that to our advantage. We're not going to sit there, and watch it happen because we're logged out. We have the power to deal with it and we will.

    But that's not fair to those who don't know it, if an admin is marked up and someone commits an offence, then that's fair to ban them because they did it right then and there, but when seemingly random people ban because "they can" or because something happens on their screen that doesn't happen on others.


    for example, about a year+ ago I got banned by an admin that was "logged out", all it began with was that we were coming to the end of the C-D road at the Duisburg side, the section where the road gets winding with all the elevation changes and S-turns, when this truck blew past me as we entered a S-turn where the road markings clearly show no overtaking, followed by a friend, the admin cut me off in the no overtaking zone, then lagged in front of me, so I instinctively swerved into the oncoming lanes to avoid hitting him and almost hit his friend off the road, the admin then proceeded to drive at sub 20 MPH talking al, sorts of trash in chat but because he was logged out, I assumed he was just another irate truck driver acting like a idiot so ignored it, we turned towards Duisburg and the admin was lagging so bad on my screen that I decided to overtake him because of the lag and the stupidly slow speed, as I did so he sped up and hung me out in the oncoming lanes with oncoming traffic approaching so I cut over to the centre of the road to give room for all of us to fit through, yet on the admins screen we probably made about as much contact as scrapping a small amount of paint off our mirrors, suddenly a message popped up saying I was banned.



    so how can you tell me that it's fair for admins to be offline yet still able to ban someone, especially if they are in the wrong in the first place? 


    I persobally would rather see offline admins act like off duty cops and call it in so on duty admins can come and make the decision, at least then it would be fair, or have a admin only PM marker that can be used to send messages to players, to caution them on their actions, that would make everyone's life easier and would stop all the false flags and random bans happening.

  22. 9 hours ago, TheHanvod said:


    *Sorry for my bad english and Google Translate using*


    Suggestion Name: Free/Private servers

    Suggestion Description:


    For example EU1 server will be "Free". Every person that registred can play on this server.


    No cars

    90 speed limit

    Less administraition


    EU2 server becames "Private"


    More administration


    No speed limit


    To get access on this server players need to fulfill several conditions

    For example:

    30 hrs + on free server

    No bans for 2 weeks

    No trolling bans in history

    Less than 10 reports a week

    or Invite from Private server player (First week If invited player will be banned, inviter will get the same ban)

    or a little $$$ donation to project


    If you get banned, you lose your private server bypass


    Why should it be added?: We all know that trolls and rammers became really annoying. Free/Private servers separation will help us to avoid about 90% of trolls.

    Good idea, but has a few issues.


    for example, if someone gets falsely banned because of ID mistype or fake reports, how would your system consider that?


    also, if someone reports more than 10 times a week, how is that fair? Unless you are talking about more than 10 reports against you, if not, why is reporting more = something bad? I've had weeks where I've easily put In at least 30 reports if not double that.


    again, clarify, what constitutes as "trolling bans"? Is that ramming? Overtaking in highly populated areas? Blocking? 


    Honestly, separating servers based on hours and number of bans/reports isn't a fair way to do things, chances are, trolls will get clean profiles, meet the requirements, join, troll, get banned, setup a new profile, rinse and repeat, whereas normal people who have bans for petty reasons or false claims etc, they get penalised.


    to be fair, I'd rather see a server where anyone who is banned for specific offences, such as blocking, get put once they are allowed to rejoin TMP, they stay there till they can prove that they're not going to troll, the more offence, the longer they stay there (and that's actual active time, not number of days, weeks etc, you have to spend say 90 hours ingame without breaking rules, your speeds are restricted and if you ram others or block etc, more time is added that you have to complete. That keeps the separation while not penalising innocent, kind of like a virtual jail.

  23. -1 it's bad enough with some admins abusing their powers at times and being out of admin mode yet able to ban people for the smallest thing, that's like the police following you and pulling you over for doing 1 mph over the speed limit.


    Not to mention the fact that chances are innocent people who aren't technically breaking the rules, will get screwed while trolls etc will know know a way around it.


    A better way would be to have it so "marked" admins are the ones that make the call on punishments or talk to people, but unmarked admins can still report in things that they see,.

    On 27/07/2017 at 10:11 PM, Nameless Ghoul said:

    Just to make you aware, admins do sit logged out of admin 'mode' watching, you just don't know they're admins. This sadly doesn't work anymore as people like to ram now no matter what. Whether there is an admin there or not.

    What I object to is admins who know better, going around driving not in admin mode, but just a normal truck and banning people, even doing illegal manoeuvres like overtaking in no passing zones and following too close, it just isn't fair on normal people who end up with punishments from an admin they never saw or knew about, I mean, it's alright for police to use unmarked vehicles because it's easy to stay hidden, but when they're busting people doing so petty things, it's just not fair. 

  24. 13 hours ago, Down_Peckerwood said:

    I know some pilot cars/drivers may serve some sort of function for those that feel the need to roleplay but every jack azz that has crashed into me ( and ill be willing to bet 100% of others) or drove like said jackazz has been in a pilot car.


    This is not a game where you can defend yourself in a PVP gank, its a game to relax and have fun, get rid of the stupid pilot cars already because they really do not serve any purpose except to crash into people then run and hide. THAT OR find a way to not allow them to cause the damage they cause, i have been disabled by them and that is BS

    Eh I beg to differ, over my extensive time in ETS2MP and now TMP, I've been rammed, trolled and damaged by more TRUCKS than cars and out of the cars that have hit me or I have seen hit someone, only 3/10 have been pilot cars, so statistically, you have more chance of being rammed by a truck or non pilot car than a pilot car.


    Also, pilot cars serve a useful purpose when it comes to convoys and with the heavy haul DLC, they add to the realism because a lot of countries require a pilot vehicle for loads that exceed certain weights or diamentions. 


    Also, if you get rammed by a car or truck for that matter, just record it and report it, that person will get dealt with. What people do t understand is that removing the pilot skin or the car as a whole won't magically remove the trolls and rammer, they'll just get back to what they used to do back when I first joined ETS2MP in 2014 and that is to get in their trucks, grab a trailer and troll again or use vehicle hacks to drive air break neck speeds through traffic.


    removing things never always is the answer to the problem. 

  25. -1 although having more cars would add to the realism of the game by having more diverse traffic, it's not as simple as it sounds.

    not only can it take up to a year to develop the model and add it in, but with constant updates, the size of the model file will grow and grow.

    Also, the difficulty would be adding the vehicle to a slot without removing a base model, unless it was possible to convert a specific Dealership group in one country/state to only have player cars, but that would take a lot of editing and coding.


    So honestly, it's not impossible, but don't expect 100 car models in a few months, you'll be lucky if we get another car/vehicle In the next few years.


    Also, to those saying "it's a trucking simulator" yes, but, you all said it, it's a "trucking simulator" which means you have other vehicle in traffic around you. You don't see roads IRL that are just truck after truck and the only thing you see is trucks.

    Plus it's nice every once Ina while to get out of the cab and drive something smaller around to explore and just enjoy driving, instead of having to constantly worry about damage to your trailer by catching a guard rail or something.

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