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Veteran Driver V
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About Ficho

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  1. Evo mali tutorijal za one koji neznaju kako imati iste terete/ture/rute sa prijateljima Nadam se da će vam pomoći
  2. Suggestion Name: Server side accounts Suggestion Description: Create server side accounts to disable money hacking and force everyone to start all over Any example images: // Why should it be added?: Its not big satisfaction to drive when someone hack money and level to buy best trucks - most of that kind of players just raming and blocking... I think it would be nice for all to start again on server side accounts to disable money / level hacking it would be more interesting to drive like that, people would be more careful... PS. Sorry if is there same suggestion i didnt see any so i posted new.
  3. Nice job guys
  4. Nice job
  5. Nice job guys
  6. Pozdrav ekipa, zanima me da li će se raditi restart statsa za sve igrače ? Da svi idemo ispočetka (sa 0€) tako bi bilo zanimljivije igrati a ne ovako kad svi imaju para ubace save samo ramaju druge :=)
  7. Nice job guys
  8. Evo pa me dodajte http://steamcommunity.com/id/ficho62/
  9. Pozdrav, moj nick ingame je Ficho, nadam se da ćemo vozit zajedno malo. BTW: zna li netko kada će doči beta ? Pozdrav
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