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Veteran Driver VII
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About Jura

  • Birthday 11/27/1997

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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: München
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  1. No problem, but this guide useless because with version 1.38 they introduced RGB Color Picker which allows you to share company colors much easier than using method I showed in my guide.
  2. Yeah I see, I had that trouble with that too while making this video. But this is your lucky day because I found it localy on my PC
  3. Yea I understand that, but you didnt understand me. SCS is not looking on that there is a multiplayer for their game, so that they are developing game in that direction. But if TMP team decide to make that, that is another pair of shoes.
  4. Yea me too, but when you think about ETS2 just as a single player game there is no really reason to be that precise with colors.
  5. Yea, I didnt quite good understand you what you wanted to say, but if I got it correctly you wanted to say that I just share my save with so that we all have same trucks and accessories, they I will say that I allow my drivers to drive any truck they wont that the one thing. Second is that most of the people wont to play on their own save, not somebodys else. If I didnt understand you correctly please let me know.
  6. Hi, I made video how to share your paintjob colors with others. This will be the most useful to the company owners who needs that all his drivers has same colors as you. The original post on this topic (no longer works) -
  7. Jura Released

  8. Jura

    Player's ID

    Guys thank you all, you are the best <3
  9. Jura

    Player's ID

    Hi, Can somebody find TruckersMP ID of this player. I tired but unsuccessfully because of unusual characters http://prntscr.com/iz8ec4
  10. Hvala ali već sam sazano, prijavio ili još uvijek mi nisu pregledali report
  11. Pozdrav, zanima me jel moguće kako saznati ID od igrača preko nickname ili steam profila? Pitam zato što sam zaboravio lupiti /pinfo, htio bi prijaviti igrača preko web stranice. Uspio sam naći ovog prvog WaRnIng1337, ali nemogu ovog drugojg Zuczek1233. Video možete pogledati ovdje -> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/237205126
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