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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Manzana

  • Birthday November 15

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Paraná, Argentina
  • Interests
    Raves, Blümchen
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Hamburg
  • Known languages
    Español, English, Deutsch

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1643 profile views

Manzana's Achievements

  • First Post
  • Dedicated
  • One Month Later
  • One Year On
  • Old Timer

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  1. Hi! ¿any chance to change font in chat? Is too thin for high resolutions. Making the HUD bigger is not the solution because takes too much space. Thanks
  2. If you click on the edge of the chat window you can no longer write
  3. It's beautiful the new look, but the position. Allow to be able to move the window position. Thanks!
  4. Happy birthday apple!

  5. Hi! I made a donation in 2014... ¿that counts? ?
  6. Ah, bien, pensé que era al único que le pasaba. Gracias.
  7. Buen día! Luego de presionar la tecla Y para escribir en el chat, cada vez que presiono la tecla V me hace un paste del texto de lo que tenga en portapapeles de windows. :/ Si bien limpiando el portapapeles esto se soluciona temporalmente, es muy molesto. ¿Hay alguna solución permanente? Gracias!
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