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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by .Jason

  1. Rest in peace Speedy

  2. Morning shift>Night shift smh

  3. At least my profile picture is something I can say unlike yours smh

  4. I have a better profile picture than you :kappa:


  5. I heard you liked purple burglar alarms

    1. Flindix


      smh not true.

    2. .Jason


      Smh who let you up at that time?

  6. I think you need some sleep as soon as possible. Smh

    1. Arcticwolfs


      sleep is over rated.

  7. Thanks for the follow.

    1. Nody


      Thanks for the follow back , bigfan!!

  8. Thanks for the follow nub.

  9. Thanks for the follow nub.

  10. Thanks for the follow.

  11. Thanks for the follow.

  12. Thanks for the follow.

  13. Thanks for the follow nub

  14. Thank you for the follow.

  15. Admeen when can I watch you press Alt+F4 again?

  16. Stole your cheese 


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