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Veteran Driver IV
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Status Updates posted by _Haon_

  1. Thank you @InsanoDeath <33

    1. Guest


      Needless Mate. Pleasure is all mine :HaulieLove:

  2. Thank you big nub for the follow @DarkCat_TMP ^_-

  3. Thank you for the follow @Rundredoffinub :kekw:

  4. Hi @George88, thanks for your follow ! <33

    1. Niohe <3

      Niohe <3

      Your welcome @_Haon_ :bigfan: 💖

  5. Thank you for your follow @Selected. ! ❤️


  6. New video !
    P.V.E Work 💙


    1. L-DR@GO


      Good Video 👍


  7. Thanks thanks for the follow @aesthxwolf ! <33

  8. Greetings,  

    The 9 years event is coming to an end but I wanted to thank all the TruckersMP team who managed the development of this platform for 9 years.

    Thanks to them for their work, their professionalism and their rigour in every feedback, report, ticket, event and everything I forget...

    It's huge what has been created since 9 years ! 
    I just have one last word for you, congratulations! ❤️


    1. [GTW] !!.AMIXSO.!!
    2. 3749771


      Great photo!

    3. _Haon_


      Thank you for this nice compliment! <33

  9. Thanks for the foooloowwww "mon amour baguette" @oussamadu06 ! <33

  10. @Loupiotte french pio piotte, thanks for the follow! 

  11. Thanks for the follow buddy @HAPPY-TRUCKER ! <33

  12. Thanks for the follow @Slusher34 ! ❤️

  13. Ty for the follow @Alexis_TMP [FR] ! ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Haon_


      Whaaaoouuuu, no u nub! 🙃

    3. Alexis_TMP [FR]

      Alexis_TMP [FR]

      no. I think is you !


    4. _Haon_


      No, i don't think so, i think it's you 😀

  14. Thanks for the follow biggest legend @thibautcsnz ! ❤️❤️

  15. Hello TruckersMP Team, 

    I would like to send this message to all the TruckersMP Team who managed, organised, prepared, all the people who were productive of the TRUCKERSMP TOURNAMENT 2023 event, I would like to thank them for being so professional during this event. I really enjoyed the TMP event, very well organised! The tournament was as always, perfect! 

    I made it to the semi-final, unfortunately, I even had to abandon my truck, my front left wheel got a flat and I went into the scenery!

    I'll be back next year, don't worry, this time with stronger tyres.

    Thank you once again to all the legends who was present during this beautiful event!

    See you next year! ❤️


  16. Nicoooooo! Happy Birthday my legend <33333333

  17. Congratulations on your promotion! That's great! Stay as you are <333

    1. Polyxena


      Thank you very much for the nice words Haon 💙 !

    2. _Haon_


      Np big fan <33

  18. Thanks MЯ.DӨЯΛ for the follow! 

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