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Veteran Driver IV
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Posts posted by Colored_Greens

  1. Suggestion Name: Remove moderator approval requirement from Help section


    Suggestion Description: Currently any reply to a post in the Help section of the forum needs to be approved by a moderator. I believe it would be better to instead use a requirement that you need to meet, after which you can post there without needing approval. This can be something like a required amount of points, a number of 'best solutions', or a certain amount of previously approved help posts.


    Any example images: N/A


    Why should it be added?: While the approval is generally pretty fast (within in an hour depending on what time of the day you post), I think it can easily be replaced by such a system, so that people will receive help a lot faster. The forum would still be moderated as there will be people helping that don't meet the requirement yet, so if there does happen to be a wrong answer it would be removed fairly quickly and the user's permissions could be revoked.

    • Upvote 6
  2. You probably have the game set to a certain timezone (I guess that would be your headquarter's time). When you go to a country of a different timezone that means you don't see the local time, and headlights will be enabled at a different time than you would expect. In your game settings you can set it to always use the local time.

  3. I'm not entirely clear on what the issue is. You load the save in-game and it just loads a different save? Have you tried loading the save from the saves menu? (As opposed to just loading the profile)

  4. Hello everyone,


    I'd like to share some tips that I've learned over time to increase the quality of my ETS2 and ATS screenshots. These tips should help to make the pictures look better, as well as make any editing you might perform later on easier.


    Note that these settings will make the game a lot more intensive to run, so I would recommend only turning them on when taking screenshots. Personally I get 3 fps with these settings, but in picture mode that does not really matter as you are not driving anyway. This does mean that they're best to use in Singleplayer, or when your truck is parked safely.


    Game Settings:

    1. Set your game to Ultra graphics, then go into Advanced Settings and set the Scaling to 400%. Setting your game to ultra only puts the scaling at 100%, while 400% is the max.
    2. (Personal preference) Disable High Dynamic Range and set the Reflection Quality to Low. High Dynamic Range is basically Bloom, and it will make surfaces in the light appear way too bright. Reflections in ETS2 and ATS currently don't look good (one could say they are bugged, though this will likely be fixed in 1.40), and setting them to low makes them barely visible and easy to remove in post.


    Driver Settings:

    1. Enable Dynamic Super Resolution (Nvidia) or Virtual Super Resolution (AMD)This allows you to set your resolution to one that is higher than your screen resolution, allowing for higher resolution screenshots.
    2. Set your in-game Resolution to the highest possible.


    Console commands:

    If you don't know how to use/enable console commands, check this guide.

    1. g_hq_3d_scale 3 Increases the resolution of your screenshots, can be used instead of the Super Resolution. Your screenshots will still appear in the default screenshot folder (/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/screenshot), but the name will start with eut2_hq_ (or equivalent for ATS). 
    2. g_hq_3d_screenshot 1 Enables High Quality pictures, then you can take good pictures using the Dev Cam and F12 .
    3. g_light_distance_factor 9999 Increases the load distance of light, only noticeable over a longer distance.
    4. g_grass_density 5 Increases the grass density, only noticeable over a longer distance.


    TruckersMP Config:

    These settings can be found in /Documents/ETS2MP (or ATSMP) config.txt

    1. "smoothing_distance" : 5000, Increases the distance at which trucks are fully loaded.
    2. "draw_distance" : 5000, Increases the distance at which trucks are loaded (at all).


    I hope this will help some people as it has helped me. I expect there will be some inaccuracies so feel free to point them out as well as suggest other tips you might think are useful additions!

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 3
    • Upvote 2
    • HaulieLove 1
    • HaulieThumbsUp 2
    • Awesome! 2
  5. The rules say:


    Hidden roads which are intentionally part of the map are not included.

    So yes as long as the road is supposed to be driveable you should be fine. The rule is more about finding your way around invisible barriers to end up in places you shouldn't be.

  6. Easy answer is to lower your graphics. As the game is updated it has more advanced and demanding graphics, which can cause lower FPS. Out of these the scaling has the biggest performance impacts.


    You could also try disabling some of the multiplayer graphics features from the in-game TMP settings:



  7. Suggestion Name: Improve the user search function on the TMP website

    Suggestion Description: Currently the search user function on the TruckersMP website is very lacking. It appears to be very basic and rarely gives you an easy time finding the user you are looking for, even if you know their exact name.

    Any example images: -

    Why should it be added?: 

    Take the Pries Logistics member •Nika• (https://truckersmp.com/user/1752165). His name is quite common, but his exact name (with the dots in front and behind) is unique. Unfortunately, searching for his exact name does not return any results, as the search function does not seem to accept those characters. I am then limited to searching the quite common name 'Nika', which gives me 45 pages of 24 users to look through: https://truckersmp.com/user/search?search=Nika


    Another example: The Pries Logistics member _A J_ (https://truckersmp.com/user/2440681). Again, quite a specific name. However, the space that is inside his name makes the search function return any user with _A or J_, giving me 42 pages of 24 users. Admittedly, he appears in the last place on the first page, but I believe that is pure coincidence; he could have been anywhere in those 42 pages: https://truckersmp.com/user/search?search=_A+J_


    I could probably find an infinite amount of examples but I think I can assume that most of you have dealt with this issue before. Either when trying to report someone when you only have their name, or when trying to look up a VTC member or general person of interest. I don't know how complicated it would be to add an improved search function, but I don't think it would be too complicated to at least allow people to search operators (AND, OR, "" etc.), as well as special characters that are allowed in TMP usernames.

    • Upvote 10
  8. It's very common to experience lag when a lot of players are nearby, and from what I can tell it does not look like that truck has an excessive amount of accessories, so it complies with the rules. 

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