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Status Updates posted by UFFriskey

  1. Just joined Pink Ribbon's Convoy, was very entertaining!


  2. Hyped for Christmas and New years! 🫠

  3. Saw a awesome Tandem truck on the road today. How cool would it be to have that in TMP?

    1. Hockerto


      TMP does not really have many options to add new features.

      Most of it has to be included in the Base Game already.

      That means that SCS would have to add tandem trucks so that they could be implemented in TMP.


      Tandem trucks have been a big wish within the community for a very long time.

      However, SCS has not yet decided to add them...

    2. UFFriskey


      Thats fair. Shame that. We perhaps should write them a letter to add them, haha!

  4. I've been recently save-editting in promods. Any suggestions on what I should try or go and check out?

  5. Just arrived home, as thought I thought of another question for you all. What do you all do after you've done a long drive in TMP?

    1. kaaaali.


      Usually just going on a walk, or even walk around the house, to straighten the bones :LUL:

    2. L-DR@GO


      After a long drive 

      That's the end of SCS for the day 😆😆

  6. Currently in a train to visit friends across the country. Then this question came up in my mind. What is your favourite route to drive in TMP?

    1. Almira xeltz.

      Almira xeltz.

      Definitely Mountain road

      Innsbruck and klagefurt 🤩:HaulieLove:

    2. L-DR@GO


      Any curve route 😃

  7. Since I can't play truckersmp, because I'm travelling IRL. Figured I'd ask this. What is your favorite city in truckersmp and why?

    1. Mister Truck

      Mister Truck

      Hello UFFriskey. My favourite city on TruckersMP is Düsseldorf because it's a place where there are always people around and you chat to everyone. ❤️

    2. UFFriskey


      Hello! Certainly one of my favourite cities to visit. And even more with the new parking spot everyone has been parking! 

    3. Jamie[GB]



      and calais 



  8. Whats ya'll favorite truck and why?

    Mine is the daf XD simply for a fact its rather small and looks quite good with low loaders in my oppinion.

    1. Nima.


      Mine is Scania, which you can probably tell from my pfp, and my reason is I just like how it looks.

    2. UFFriskey


      Valid, Scania does have some fine looknig trucks


  9. Frankly, I kinda like driving in a scoda recently. What about you?

    1. [C-S] Tαrik.

      [C-S] Tαrik.

      It's best to drive a truck!

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