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Veteran Driver IV
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Status Updates posted by ardila_miguel

  1. Vamos, estamos lanzando una nueva pista de video y música


  2. Hello everyone and soon I am going to launch my new musical track with dancers from Argentina, come here before or on my YouTube channel ??

  3. Ven a ver los nuevos lanzamientos, pista de música y pronto video con bailarines profesionales de los Estados Unidos y Colombiahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WJtYRG_eoc&feature=youtu.be

  4. Hola a todos, aquí os dejo una nueva pista musical y pronto con un vídeo con bailarines profesionaleshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46GCtIkYCis&feature=youtu.be

  5. Hola a todos, aquí os dejo una nueva pista musical y pronto con un vídeo con bailarines profesionales 

    Grils-Josemg dj - YouTube

  6. hola a todos tenemos nueva música y contenido de vídeo

  7. Hello everyone, I already uploaded my music video on YouTube. I hope you like the music tracks but there are some great projects coming, don't miss it 


  8. New musical production will come soon???

  9. hello friends I hope you support me with your follower?

  10. Hello friends, the video has already been uploaded and is on our YouTube platform come and watch the video we are accompanied by some dancers from Argentina I hope you like it leave you like it


  11. o vídeo está aqui, venha, assista, comente e compartilhe com seus amigos o novo vídeo ano novo 2019 acompanhado de dançarinos de dança argentina


  12. Hoje vou fazer o upload de uma nova música de Natal, espero que você goste e compartilhe se quiser conversar comigo???

  13. Today is going to upload new Christmas track I hope you like it and share if you want a dedication to you talk to me ???

  14. Hello my name is Miguel Jose I am from Colombia I speak several languages that is Portuguese English and I am studying the language France and my language that is Spanish I also studied music as DJ


  15. Hello my name is Miguel Jose I am from Colombia I speak several languages that is Portuguese English and I am studying the language France and my language that is Spanish I also studied music as DJ

  16. seria bueno ver   un nuevo camion en  ets   somos  mucha gente que esperamos el camion ford  F-max 


  17. Mis idiomas  favorito son frances  y portugues   hablo el portugues ingles  y  mi idioma que es el español

  18. Hola a todos  soy una persona   amable  me gusta jugar hacer rutas ayudar a mis amigos y compañeros  espero que seamos  grandes amigos

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