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Janis Petke

Veteran Driver II
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Janis Petke

  1. Thank you. Now we can convoy. It worked.
  2. All i want is sound mod for Scania. I tried many different which all show up in single player but none of them show up in MP. Meaning they are in correct folder. Are mods completely disabled in MP?
  3. We are a small group of dudes, and we have lots of trouble to find even relatively similar jobs so we can drive in a convoy. We do have our own company and joined in it. But we very rarely find jobs that goes even same direction let alone to same city. How do those groups of +30 trucks find jobs so they can go in one large convoy? And yes we are new so everything is not already clear, which is why i ask. I tried searching through sub forums but didn't find so far if there was a solution. If there is can someone link it? This takes away the joy of multiplayer when we are forced to go in different places. Thanks
  4. This will be very much appreciated. Thank you. It was very annoying to have stars blasting on my screen.
  5. Why does it snow all the time in south europe? It's +30c. In what settings i can disable it? I think it is snow, can also be me blasting through hyper space i don't know.
  6. Mmm how i can access my mods when i have moved my mod folder from C to D drive? Launcher tell me that pro mods are missing when they are just on another drive and they worked in normal single player profile. I looked in launcher option to see if there i can set custom location. Those promods are little bit too big to be stored on my small C drive, so i made D my homedir for the game.
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