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Veteran Driver V
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About Chubbywolf

  • Birthday October 5

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais

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  1. In my opinion doesn't make a lot of sense to lock cars behind a paywall of a free modification. Obviously we have patreon, which could be used but trollers will just use trucks/trailers instead.
  2. Hopefully everyone is having a good day!

  3. I don't think I ever seen SCS Software mention about the game not being a simulation. In my opinion that is what it is is a simulation trucking game.
  4. Hopefully everyone has a good day.

  5. I am gonna win
  6. Plugged my phone in this morning after work and it was supposed to charge today. Woke up enough to hear my alarm and it died. What a lovely day.

  7. Fly Be able to time travel to the future or be able to time travel to the past?
  8. Good morning, have a good day! Also make sure to leave some time to do some trucking of course!

    1. L-DR@GO


      Do have a great day too 👍

    2. Austin1203
  9. The suggestion on paper sounds good as it will add verity. However I think it is a bad idea as it is a multiplayer game and everyone in the area would need to have the same event spawn in. Roads like C-D is where I could see some issues with spawning the events in cause it is possible for it to just pop up inside a players vehicle or right in front of a player going 80 KPH.
  10. So I would say I drink coca-cola more then Pepsi. But I will accept either when the other is not available.
  11. Not a terrible idea haven't tested out the new feature but if you had like 2 different chats when you hit the tab key could be pretty cool. However, they give VTC messages an orangeish tint which helps if the chat is busy.
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