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Veteran Driver III
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  1. Yes, I guess so. Havent tried it yet, but will try it later.
  2. Hello. I recently started playing Truckersmp again, and saw that the settings for force feedback where changed and that they had added new categories. I changed them back to how I like it, however, when I drive the scout or other cars (not trucks), it just becomes really wierd. Once I turn, the wheel gets really loose and I dont like that its doing that. Does anyone know how I can fix it? My other question is how I can use my shifter again. It works with real automatic and H-shifter, but when I choose sequential, it doesnt work. Only the paddles on the back work, but I want to use my shifter.
  3. Lihle

    Winter mod

    Is the winter mod available on truckersmp yet?
  4. Lihle Released

    I get an error when i start up the truckersmp file, Idk if anyone else get this error, i tried reinstalling the game multiple times with no luck. What should I do?
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