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Veteran Driver II
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  1. Madmuck

    CB Radio

    Yes this topic can be removed thank you all for the fast help
  2. Madmuck

    CB Radio

    Thx allot that solved the problem for him.
  3. Madmuck

    CB Radio

    Hey guys. A friend of mine got an problem withe the cb radio. While driving the channel changes even when he is only steering (logitech g27) We checked all settings and on default it's on 19. How is it possible that his cb is somehow changes channels while doing a haul? Greetz Madmuck.
  4. Great event i'm in. To bad that the only way to donate is by creditcard
  5. Overlay is from tmp sow not an error from scs side. Also i had contact whit tmp after i sent a report tickit and they said that the developers are aware if this and they looking for a fix after the final dx11 version. Testen now openGL and your are right the overlay is nomal but game freezes in a weird way graphic wise hahaha could it be because of road to black see dlc? Lol Edit: yeah it's openGL that fixed the overlay but thats causes the game freez sadly. Well i drive without chat and tab screen for now
  6. Hey TMP I whas hoping that this would be fixed when 1.36 whas coming. The overlay is unreadable with tripple screen setup. Any news when this will be fixed? Greets.
  7. Hey there i have the same issue only then with tripple screen. UI in unreadeble smal after dx11 update. Going back to dx9 fixed it but i get more frame drops. Going back to single screen fixed it also but thats a no go haha. Try to test it on dx 9 and see if it works then. Hope the def team are fixing this soon .
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