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Posts posted by LetiFreshi

  1. Hello. 

    You need to activate your DLC's. 
    This can be done by doing the following:

    Go to your TruckersMP Profile > Settings > Linked Games/DLC > Then press on Check DLC
    -> https://truckersmp.com/profile/settings

    However, be sure to have your Steam Privacy Settings on public, otherwise the process won't work. 

    Luckily, there is also a knowledge-base article which is very helpful. I recommend checking it out. 
    -> https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/139

    That being said, I hope I could help you answer your question. 
    Kindest regards, 

  2. Hello. 

    There is a speed limit of 110 km/h on all Simulation servers. 
    If you cannot go faster than 90 km/h this might be because you have still enabled your speed limiter. 

    You can disable it by doing the following: 
    Tab > Right Click > Go into the settings 718043065159254077.png.5caabb8c227c1a96b04e0251fa760bfb.png.a425ca7793e8ab3c0c52a7197258c8d4.png> Go to "General" > Disable the speed limit

    TruckersMP does not enforce speed limits as per rule §2
    [...] Speeding, while allowed, is not recommended. Speeding can lead to accidents and can factor in a punishment decision. Baiting other players into accidents will not be tolerated and is punishable.

    If you're caught causing an accident whilst speeding, this is of course not tolerated and you will be accordingly punished for it.
    However, you won't be punished just because you were going over the speed limit without harming anyone. 

    I hope this could help you answer your question.
    Kind regards, 

  3. Hello. 

    Please make sure your account really is set to public.
    It would be also very helpful if you could provide a link to your friend's steam profile, so we can check everything is fine.
    Editing your privacy settings can be done by following these steps: 

    Steam Profile > Edit Profile > Privacy Settings
    Make sure all basic - and game details are set to public including the box that says "Always keep my total playtime private even if users can see my game details."
    In the end it should look like so: https://imgur.com/dhUVR0t

    If you need any help with the above steps, have a look at the following: 
    -> https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=4113-YUDH-6401

    Also make sure you really have more than 2 hours in ETS2/ATS on the Steam profile you want to register with. 
    Lastly, if you're sure about all the above and you have changed your privacy settings accordingly, wait about 15-30 minutes and then try again.

    I hope this could help you solve the issue. Do not hesitate to ask if there's anything unclear!
    Kind regards, 

  4. Hello. 

    To answer your question:
    -> Overtaking in this situation isn’t kickable nor is it bannable as long as you do the following things:


    - Make sure there really is no oncoming vehicle before overtaking. 
    - Be quick when overtaking. If you notice other people coming, immediately stop your overtaking maneuver. 

    - After overtaking, merge back into the right lane with a save distance. Do not cut others off. 
    - Always stick to your lane and keep looking into your mirror.

    When doing all the things above, there shouldn’t be any issue with overtaking. 
    However, if you want to be on the save side, be patient and adjust your speed to the person in front.

    Additionally, there is also a guide that might be worth reading trough. It'll explain what to do when overtaking someone or being overtaken yourself:
    -> https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/28933-over-taking-with-imperial-mesurments/&tab=comments#comment-545

    If you're unsure about how to behave in other situations, I would as well suggest having a look into the TruckersMP rules here:
    -> https://truckersmp.com/rules

    I hope this could help you answer your question. 
    Kindest regards,

    • HaulieLove 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Борислав said:

    "... although the TruckersMP Team consists of over 230 members, it's only our two Game Developers that have the knowledge..." - Why don't you invite more people to help those 2 with the proper knowedge and training? This game is world wide popular. Is it that hard to find IT entusiasts?

    I assume it's not as easy as you may think it is. Although ETS2 might be a popular game, coding isn't something easy, especially when it's about changing certain game versions.
    Getting new developers that actually have the skills and experience in what is necessary to get TruckersMP to support version 1.40 as fast as possible, is hard I can assure you. 

    People that do have these abilities are rare to find, and if you do, they probably want to be paid for their time offered into coding. 
    You cannot just open a recruitment and call it "Developer recruitment" - Show us what you can. Too many people would apply that know nothing or little about what is requiered to code TruckersMP to version 1.40. 
    And thus making things even more complicated.

    1 hour ago, Борислав said:

    "Why are you focusing on creating official events, instead of working on the new version?" - why indeed... There are no lasting benefits or good memories from participating in these anyway.

    Regarding this, if you had read the post carefully, you would have also noticed that "Official Events" and "Game Progress" are two things that have absolutely nothing in common.
    There is Event Staff including Event Managers that manage and create these Events. Game developers have nothing to do with what you have stated.

    "Although the TruckersMP Team consists of over 230 staff, each person has an area of the project to focus on. As such, official events are created by the Event Management and Event Team."

    Owen summarized everything pretty well too but was faster than me in submitting his comment.

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  6. Hallo. @Tobyo

    Ich nehme stark an, dass du dein Spiel auf 1.40 geupdatet hast um die neue Version zu spielen und anschließend wieder auf 1.39 zurückgestuft hast um im Multiplayer spielen zu können. 
    In dem Fall kann es dazu kommen, dass deine Spielstände inkompatibel werden. 

    Um nun wieder spielen zu können empfehle ich folgendes: 
    - Lade einen älteren 1.39 Save. (Also einen, der nicht in der Spielversion 1.40 erstellt wurde.)
    - Benutz einen 1.39 Backup Save. -> Mehr dazu unten.
    - Erstelle ein neues 1.39 Profil um im Multiplayer spielen zu können. Später, sobald TruckersMP die Version 1.40 unterstützt, kannst du auch gerne wieder dein altes Profil verwenden.

    Um an einen 1.39 Backup Save zu gelangen tue folgendes: (Achtung! 1.39 Backup Saves funktionieren nur, wenn du vorher schon mal mit deinem Profil auf der Version 1.39 gespielt hast.)

    - Gehe in deine Dokumente > ETS2 > Wähle einen Backup Save, z.B Profiles(1.39.x.xs).bak und doppelklick auf diesen > Kopiere das Profil, welches sich in dem Ordner befindet > Füge es in deinen normalen Profiles Ordner ein.

    Glücklicherweise hat ein ehemaliger Support Member dazu auch einen Guide erstellt, welchen du hier findest:
    -> https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/100057-how-to-recover-your-profile-after-downgrading/&tab=comments#comment-960532

    Dieser erklärt das ganze noch einmal viel ausführlicher und verständlicher. 

    Nichtsdestotrotz hoffe ich, dass ich dir helfen konnte. 
    Liebe Grüße, 

    • Thanks 1
    • HaulieLove 1
  7. Hello. 

    Regarding your question - Inactive bans (= Bans that have been expired a year ago) will not count into your punishment history. 
    Meaning if you have one active ban and you get banned four more times, then your 5th ban will be a permanent ban.

    However, if you have one inactive ban, then you can get 5 more bans until you will be permanently banned from TruckersMP. Although this would technically mean having 6 bans on record.
    (Since the inactive ban does not count into your punishment history.)

    Once your both bans have expired they will be displayed as inactive with a yellow dot.
    So yes, your punishment history will be "reset". Although keep in mind bans will never be deleted from your history - Only displayed as inactive not counting into further punishment actions. 

    §2.8 - How bans are issued:

    - The first 3 bans issued are at Game Moderator discretion.

    - The 4th ban is thirty days.

    - The 5th ban is permanent.
    -> https://truckersmp.com/rules

    I hope this could help you understand your question. 
    Kind regards,

  8. Hello. 

    Seeing that you have issues with other TruckersMP players violating the rules, I highly recommend you to report them. 

    You can either report them trough the in game report system by clicking on TAB > Right Click > Click on the player you want to report and report them with a valid reason.
    (-> https://truckersmp.com/kb/791)

    Or if you have valid video evidence feel free to report them on the website here: https://truckersmp.com/reports
    (-> https://truckersmp.com/kb/8)

    I hope this could help you!

    Kindest regards, 

  9. Hallo. 

    Erst mal herzlich Willkommen auf dem TruckersMP Forum! 
    Zu deiner Frage wegen der 90 km/h Begrenzung: 

    Kann es sein, dass du zufälligerweise externe Word of Trucks Aufträge fährst? - Wenn ja, dann kann ich nur sagen, dass es definitiv normal ist. 
    World of Trucks Aufträge sind ab 90 km/h abgeriegelt, was heißt, dass du auch nicht schneller fahren kannst. 
    Probiere doch mal aus ohne irgendeinen Auftrag zu fahren und schau ob du über die 90 km/h kommst. 

    Ebenso möchte ich noch hinzufügen, dass es möglich ist, dass dein LKW-Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzer in den ETS2 Einstellungen noch aktiviert ist. 
    Diesen musst du deaktivieren, ansonsten wirst du auch nicht schneller fahren können als 90 km/h.

    Auch empfehle ich dir zu schauen, ob du den LKW-Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzer in den TruckersMP Einstellungen noch aktiviert hast.
    Drücke dafür einfach TAB > Rechts Klick > Gehe auf das Zahnrad 718043065159254077.png.5caabb8c227c1a96b04e0251fa760bfb.png> Gehe zu "General" und dann deaktiviere den Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzer.

    Bezüglich deiner Frage ob es gewisse Ausnahmen von den Begrenzungen gibt oder ob es sich dabei tatsächlich um irgendeine Art von Verstößen handelt:
    Dem ist nicht so. Es gibt in der Tat Ausnahmen von den Server-weiten 110 km/h Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen. Zum Beispiel in Städten, wo eine generelle Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung von 60 km/h herrscht. 
    Es gibt jedoch keine Art von "Geschwindigkeitsverstoß" in TruckersMP. Wenn du zu schnell fährst und dabei einen Unfall verursachst musst du mit möglichen Konsequenzen rechnen (Zum Beispiel Bans, Kicks)

    Ich hoffe ich konnte dir mit den oben genannten Vorschlägen helfen! 
    Wenn du weitere Hilfe brauchst, dann kannst du dich gerne wieder melden. ?

    Liebe Grüße, 

    • Like 1
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    • HaulieLove 1
  10. Hello.

    Seeing that you're banned, consider appealing your ban if you do not agree with the action taken towards you.
    However be sure to provide valid evidence and reasons as to why you think you should be unbanned.
    You may do so here: 
    -> https://truckersmp.com/appeals

    In regards to your question about deleting bans - unfortunately this is not possible. 
    Valid bans cannot be deleted from your profile.
    In fact, if there is a mistake about your ban then of course your ban will be removed whilst it will also be displayed as BanByMistake. (Still being displayed on your profile though when having the correct settings enabled.) 

    I hope this could help you understand the situation better.
    Kind regards,

  11. Hello there @BobbyJB

    The new alternating vehicles have been recently added to the game and there were some issues at the beginning. 
    Multiple users got kicked with the reason "Invalid accessory". However, they found a fix for it, meaning these issues shouldn't be occuring anymore. 

    It might be now that the issue has been already fixed whilst you have asked for help on the forum. 
    Another thing would be that you're using the Van, instead of the Braco truck that is available for the public. 

    Keep in mind that the Van is only available for Master Patreons. If you do choose to drive one, then you get kicked for that "Invalid accessory" reason as you're not a Patreon and do not have access to the vehicle. In order to become a Patreon have a look at this link:
    -> https://www.patreon.com/truckersmp_official
    You may only use the Braco truck for now, though.

    I can imagine this being kind of confusing so here's a picture of which vehicle you're allowed to use and what you get kicked for: 
    -> https://imgur.com/oS2Fns4

    Anyway, I hope this could help you!
    Kind regards,

  12. Hello there @Animsu

    Regarding your question about using mods in TruckersMP, unfortunately that's not possible.
    TruckersMP does not support any 3rd party modifications like your Google Maps Navigation mod. Therefore you may only use it in Single Player. 
    Mods will automatically be deactivated when launching TruckersMP.

    The only mods supported are: 

    - ProMods Europe (with optional Middle-East Add-On Pack): https://truckersmp.com/kb/614. For ETS2 only. Trailer & Company Pack addon is not supported.

    ProMods Canada: https://truckersmp.com/kb/1122For ATS only. 
    - Grimes' Frosty Winter Weather Mod (with optional heavy winter add-on): https://truckersmp.com/kb/84. Both ETS2 and ATS are supported. The physics add-on is supported for ATS only. Darker Night Skies is not supported.
    Any other mods, as well as Steam Workstop items are not supported.

    Anyway, I hope this could help answer your question. 
    Kindest regards,

    • Like 2
  13. Hey there,


    First of all, you do not need to activate ProMods trough the Mod Manager like you would when playing in Single Player. 

    ProMods will be automatically detected when joining a server dedicated for it. Hence why nothing appears in the Mod Manager.


    Regarding your issue: It would be very helpful if you could provide a screenshot of your actual mod folder. So we can help you finding the issue. 

    I look forward to hearing from you. 
    Kind regards,


  14. Hello there @tinou18

    First of all, you do not need to activate ProMods trough the Mod Manager like you would when playing in Single Player. 
    That's why "nothing appears" as you have shown on your screenshot.

    ProMods will be automatically detected when joining a server dedicated for it. Hence why nothing appears in the Mod Manager.

    Regarding your issue: "You are using an invalid client. You should redownload the mod through the launcher."
    In most cases this problem could be solved by regenerating the ProMods Def file. 

    Simply go to https://promods.net/ and redownload the Def file. Afterwards replace it with your old one. 
    Also, it would be helpful if you could provide a screenshot of your actual mod folder. 

    That being said, I hope I could help you. 
    Kind regards,

    • Upvote 1
  15. Hey there @kadaffy1

    Regarding your inquiry about starting your own VTC, I do recommend having a look at the following link as it will explain you how to start/create your own VTC on the TruckersMP page. 
    -> https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/327

    Alternatively, if you know anyone that is good at developing websites you could as well ask them in order to let someone do it in a professional way. 
    However, many small VTC's especially build their websites using free website builders. So that would be definitely a good start for you to go.

    I hope I could answer your question as good as possible.

    Kind regards,

  16. Hello Ticreut29, 

    First of all. Always try your best. If you do get declined anyway, you know what to do better next time. 
    Activity on the TruckersMP services is important as they will only exactly know this way who are you are in person.
    I'm slightly wondering though, as to why you are wanting to apply for the GM position when you do not regularly play TruckersMP anyway. 
    Regarding your question about the ability to reach the activity requirements; 
    You're supposed to regularly be active troughout all TruckersMP services, whether it be the Forums or the Discord. Keep in mind your activity 2 months before the actual recruitment has opened is considered as well. Always be helpful and friendly and take part in discussions. This will help you getting known in the community and can be considered positve in your application process.

    Either way, I hope I could help you and I wish you the best of luck with your application, in case you do decide to apply.

    • Upvote 1
  17. Hello, 

    Downloading ReShade isn't too hard as there are many YouTube Tutorials explaining how to install and adjust your ReShade properly. 
    I looked up some good YouTube Tutorial for you though, that I myself used for the installation as well. 
    -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9iSreesY1w 

    You can download the ReShade from the link below: 
    -> https://reshade.me/

    Once you've set everything up and followed the YouTube Tutorial, play around with the settings and I'm sure you find the perfect adjustment for yourself.

    Kind regards,

  18. Hey again, 

    In regards to your inquiry about graphics mods, I can only encourage you to have a look at ReShade. 
    -> https://reshade.me/
    ReShade is something that will improve your game graphics. Positive about it is that you can adjust it the way you want your game to look like with many possible settings and options. 
    I am using it myself and it really is an alternative to the default game graphics SCS provides. 

    That being said, it's not really a modification hence why it does work on TruckersMP. 
    But that would definitely be something to "change" your in game graphics. 

    I hope this could help you. ? 
    Kindest regards,

  19. Hey there,
    The summer mod you're talking about is only available when it's actually summer season. 
    Currently it is winter which means TruckersMP now supports the Winter mod. If you do not like the winter mod then you can decide to not use it at any time. 
    However, there is unfortunately no way to be able to use the summer mod as of now.
    I hope I could help you anyway! ?

    Kind regard,

  20. Heya, 

    Have you tried restarting your computer and router, as well as launching TruckersMP as administrator? 
    If all this hasn't worked try reinstalling the TruckersMP Launcher. 

    1. Open your Windows Search and search for %programdata%. It should find a folder called %programdata% - open that folder.
    2. Once you opened that folder, try to find the folder TruckersMP and delete it.
    3. Open your documents and delete the folder(s) ETS2MP / ATSMP
    4. Once you have done that, open your windows control panel and head over to programs and features. Once you are in there, delete the TruckersMP Launcher.
    5. After that head over to https://truckersmp.com/download and download the Launcher.
    6. Once the launcher is downloaded, run it as Administrator and follow the instructions. Please make sure to enter the correct ETS 2 / ATS path(s). 

    I sure hope I could help you!
    Kind regards, 

  21. Hai there, @Carl Langford

    7 hours ago, Carl Langford said:

     Why is there a hi-power cargo pack if you cannot tow those items? This is insane.

    Well first of all, the High Power Cargo Pack was not intended to be used in MultiPlayer as TruckersMP themselves have not made this DLC but more SCS Software. 
    Meaning your argument of wanting your money back is useless as you did pay for the DLC indeed, however, its actual intention was to be used in Single Player which you can still do at any time given. 
    TruckersMP is not in charge of whether you buy a DLC or not. 

    Secondly, the "glitch" you have stated above isn't only the case with High Power Cargo Pack jobs, but also other jobs that you may find in the job market. (After selecting them and then traveling to the closest garage = skipping the time)
    As Fernando said above, try to find a job not in the general job market but one that's located near to you. So that you can drive to the said job in a timely manner. 

    "Using fast travel to get to the job offering city makes the in-game time to advance instantly" - Which does actually make sense.
    If you cannot drive to the job due to it being far away, then it's your choice to use the quick travel feature. However, the time will automatically be skipped to when you would have arrived if you had driven to the job offering yourself. 
    Unfortunately though, your job may have already been expired by the time you arrive. 

    That's a thing happening in Multiplayer, as well as in Single Player. Which means it isn't a glitch or TruckersMP issue at all. 
    It was intended to be that way by the creator of Euro Truck Simulator 2 called SCS Software. 

    I hope I could help you understand whatsoever.
    Kindest regards,


  22. Hai there, 

    As being said above, there is nothing that could be done towards that guy as he did not insult you in a way TruckersMP was involved. 
    Things happening for example on YouTube or in your private Discord DM's are beyond their reach. 

    If the said guy insulted you on the Forums or on their official Discord, then there is indeed a chance of action being taken towards him.
    However, the best would be to just ignore him as there are always people out there that are mad after they've been banned.  

  23. 18 minutes ago, Βούλγαρος said:



    That's true. However, this only happens if you go really fast making a full brake and steering at the same time. 
    Usually, this wouldn't happen when driving careful. I have never experienced that bug on the Simulation servers as I'm trying not to slip anyway. 

    What I'm basically saying is that it can be easily avoided when driving careful with the physics. 

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