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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About JaouadAR

  • Birthday February 6

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Football , ICT , Computers , Games .
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Amsterdam
  • Known languages
    Dutch, English, Arabic.

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  1. Suggestion Name: Improving the existing /fix command Suggestion Description: Making it possible that when we use /fix the attached trailer will also get fixed. Why should it be added?: There are players on the server that are playing legitimate and if they get in a crash well it happens nothing you can do about it it's part of the game that's why we have the /fix command but right now it is only effective on your truck and for players that play legit it would be really nice if it would be possible to be used for your truck and the attached trailer aswell so we don't lose money when delivering it. Thank you for taking a look at my suggestion, JaouadAR.
  2. Thanks guys
  3. Is it actually possible to play promods without having all the dlc's as i currently have going east and scandinavia only for map expansions ( planning to buy all but not now )
  4. JaouadAR


    The 2 Factor Authentication is broken i'm afraid because every token i fill in through the authenticator apps just aren't valid everytime and i am just clueless right now.
  5. Solved topic thx guys
  6. Hi i am planning to gift ets2 to a friend but his steam level is 0 will it still be able to play truckersmp with a account of level 0 on steam?
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