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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by jiunaughten

  1. Hello. I hope I don't sound demanding or ungrateful towards the event team staff (who I know are all volunteers) but during the last ETS2 convoy (Genoa - Mannheim) there were quite a few problems with the management and planning which I hope will not be replicated during this event. Traffic was held up for ages as we entered Turin, as we had to wait for traffic that had started in Turin to enter (or some reason like that at least). I understand that basically the whole point of a convoy is to be around other players, however this was a several-minute standstill with quite a significant tailback onto the motorway. The second problem I had was the fact that the convoy (unintentionally, from what I could see) split in two at Strasbourg, due to poor instructions for what to do, and the fact that no cars were blocking the wrong way. If this was the wrong way, then why were there no cars blocking that way, and if it was an alternative route, and the convoy could and was expected to split in two, then why were there absolutely no convoy control cars anywhere to be seen? I understand that a lot of planning would have to go into something like this, but it still does seem like rather poor planning, especially as it seemed like a very easy blunder to make, given how many people went the wrong way. Again, I understand that the event team staff are all volunteers and it may have been impossible to have everything be so clear everywhere, but those two things (the second in particular) really did ruin the convoy for me, but I certainly hope that there will not be similar problems to this during this upcoming convoy.
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