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Fluffy Bunny

Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Fluffy Bunny

  1. Hello Truckers, so currently my friend got permanently for using NCZ cheat. It was fully his fault, that is why I am fully okay with it. So currently I have a question, are there any hacks that are allowed on TruckersMP or are all of them restricted. For example Cheat Engine is actually a hack, but is allowed on TruckersMP. Thanks for answers
  2. The problem is solved, the best comment is upvoted.
  3. Hello dear truckers, so currently I am using Logitech G29 and H-Shifter Logitech G. Everything was just perfect until I saw traffic up ahead. I stopped and truck went off. I didn’t understand how to turn the truck back on and the hardest thing was to explain to back trucks that I can’t turn on my engine. The engine just didn’t want to turn back on until I went to Neutral (N) and turned it on. Finally the truck turned on and I continued driving. After that, everytime I stop my truck (or my Scout, doesn’t really matter), it goes off until I turn it back on with Neutral (N) Thanks for answering
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