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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by Rugsveen_123

  1. I have HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Not this part \SOFTWARE\TruckersMP
  2. @ASIR [CZE] i`ve tried But still it isnt working
  3. Going east DLC is active in single player but not in multiplayer. When I log in to singleplayer I don't really get any error message. When I log in with multiplayer I get an error message saying that the DLC is not activated and that I must activate it. I go in and check on steam and it is activated. to go in and out of the game I have tried but what I wonder is whether TMP does not support Going east DLC or anything like that?
  4. @FernandoCR [ESP] Yes they can but 50% minimum of the players are kids. Kids that dont know the trafick rules. A test or some sort of information will reduce the number of players that dosn`t stop at stopsigns and not waiting with a yeld to sign.
  5. Then I would rather say that people can't make the basic traffic rules. then it is better to make a small test people have to take to get into the server.
  6. @FernandoCR [ESP] You have a point but i dont think it is a good idea to make #E2 to a no collisjon server. it isn`t realistic. And TMP does alredy have a freeroam #E4. That players are speeding isn`t a problem to. As long as they dont drive into each other.
  7. It isn`t a problem if everyone are following the rules. @FernandoCR [ESP] "And they would do the same thing as now, delete their accounts and create new ones to keep trolling" Thats why we have IP ban
  8. 155/5000 According to the ban, I should have been unbeaten 2019.02.27. And the time is here the clock is 19.50 and i shud be unbanned 19.41. But im still banned.
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