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Veteran Driver VI
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About Pr0bleM

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  1. HI people! Since I re-installed ETS2MP I have a BIG problem. Its moar my PC than ETS2MP fault I think. And the problem is, my PC keeps saying that I doesnt have enough rigts for run the game or to access the ETS2 folder. I tried all, I have Admin rights, I looked at the properties of the ETS2 folder and its free for all users. Can someone please help me? I watched videos on YT, and there was a command to execute but it still without working. If someone could help me, would be apprecieted. I can speak Polish, German Spanish and English, so I accept answers in all those languages
  2. Pr0bleM


    Siemka wszyscy! Oto dzis zaczalem grac na MP, jednak widze ze trzeba miec wlasna ciezarowke, no a tu klops bo zapomnialem dodac DLC (Going East!) do Steama. Jak juz to dodam, bede mogl brac jakiekolwieg profile? Czyli nawet te ktore maja 1KK Euro albo cos takiego? Czy musza to byc czyste profile, nie zczitowane? Dzeki za wszelka pomoc! (sory za ortografie ale nie umiem dobrze po polsku pisac, wyprowidzilismysie jak mialem 7 lat)
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