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Veteran Driver VI
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Community Answers

  1. Snorlax.'s post in Is there any way to reconfigure TruckersMP? was marked as the answer   
    Hey there @superqwerty11112,

    unfortunately, as a previous comment has already hinted, you are not able to link ETS2 without not having to reinstall the Launcher.
    Therefor, delete the Launcher and re download it from our website.

    -> https://www.truckersmp.com/download

    When installing, just mark that you own both games and enter the correct path for ETS2.
    Due to the fact that you were able to do that with ATS, I assume that you won't have a problem with repeating that with ETS2.

    Let me know if this has helped you out or if still need help regarding this- or another issue!
    I'll gladly stay at your disposal for future inquiries.

    Best Regards,

    TruckersMP Support
  2. Snorlax.'s post in Can I use AI wheels on scout cars? was marked as the answer   
    Hi there, this is the link to the TMP rules. There you can find an article about your issue.
    As you can see, save editing ai wheels on a car is permitted, however they must be visible to other players.
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