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Posts posted by Snorlax.

  1. Hey there @birol7772,

    Was the answer Rudewolf provided able to answer your question?
    Your answer helps us keep the forum organized, which is why we would appreciate a confirmation.

    Thank you, Rudewolf and everyone else for your participation!

    I await your return!

    Best Regards,


    TruckersMP Support

  2. Hello There!

    Your topic has been inactive for 3 days since the last reply.
    Because of inactivity, I will have to move this topic to Inactive Topics.
    If you still have any questions about this, feel free to DM me or our support team members, we will open this again.

    Thanks to all for participation!

    Kindest Regards,
    TruckersMP - Support

    //Locked and Moved to Inactive

  3. Hey there @BoarischBluad,

    Did you get the answer you were looking for with the answers given above?
    Your confirmation of the status of your question helps us keep the forum always organized!

    I await your return!


    TruckersMP Support

  4. Hallo @Yoshimizu1909,

    Konnte Templa deine Frage beantworten?
    Deine Antwort hilft uns, das Forum organisiert zu halten.

    Ich freue mich auf deine Antwort!

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

    TruckersMP Support

  5. Hello @TR06ANKA58,

    I am glad to hear that you got an answer to your question.
    Do not hesitate to contact us again by creating a topic or a support ticket.

    Thank you to everyone involved in providing a solution to this as well. :)

    Have a nice rest of your day!

    Kind Regards,

    TruckersMP Support

    //Locked & Moved to Solved

  6. Hallo @FernfahrerSven;

    Da dein Thema seit einer Woche inaktiv ist, werde ich es zu den ungelösten Themen verschieben.
    Solltest du weiterhin Hilfe brauchen, kannst du gerne erneut ein Thema öffnen. Außerdem sind wir über unser Support System zu erreichen.

    Ich danke für dein Verständnis.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

    TruckersMP Support

    // verschlossen und zu Ungelöst verschoben.

  7. Hello there,

    Did you get the answer you were looking for with the answers given above?
    Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum always organized!

    I await your return.

    Kind Regards,


    TruckersMP Support

  8. Hey! 

    In combination with the Road to Simulation changes from July 2019, a speed limiter at 110kph was announced.
    As mentioned above, this speed limiter does not affect you on Arcade servers. However, you are unable to go above 110kph on Simulation servers.

    There have been a lot of people suggesting us to increase the speed again in our Suggestions topic, however, these suggestions were denied.

    This is why you will not be able to go 130kph on our Simulation servers anytime soon.

    Please let me know if this answer as well as the answers given previsously were able to help you out. 

    I await your return!


    TruckersMP Support

    • Upvote 1
  9. Hello there, Ade_XB1_Gamer!

    Did you get the answer you were looking for with the answers given above?
    Your confirmation of the status of your question helps us keep the forum always organized!

    I await your return! 

    Kind Regards,

    TruckersMP Support

  10. Hallo Jepperson,

    Da die letzte Antwort auf dieses Topic mittlerweile 8 Tage alt ist, werde ich es zu ungelöst verschieben.
    Bei weiteren Fragen kannst du uns gerne über unser Support System kontaktieren oder einen neuen Post erstellen.

    Ich danke für dein Verständnis!

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

    TruckersMP Support

    // verschlossen und zu ungelöst verschoben


  11. Hello [ATVTC] Mr_Zuhair_16,

    We will announce the opening of a new recruitment on our social media. You can check our Twitter and facebook, as well as our Discord to keep up to date with when a new recruitment is open. 
    Additionally, we have our Recruitment section here on the forums, which contains information about current and past recruitments.
    You can also check the recruitment page on our website.

    Thank you for showing your interest in joining our team! I am wishing you the best of luck if you decide to apply for a staff position once a recruitment has opened.


    TruckersMP Support

  12. Greetings, Barnaba123!

    Thank you for reaching out. :)

    Due to the fact that a lot of players within our Community are into Save Editing, it is common to see the trailers you are describing on our roads.

    There are various ways of getting such trailer to drive around with.
    One of them would be editing your game files to make the game believe that you own a trailer you would usually not be able to own.
    Janiboy has recently made an easy to follow guide on how exactly that is done.
    You can find a forum article on how exactly save editing works here.

    Another way of making such trailers ownable is by mods.
    Now, I cannot really provide you with an example, as there are just way to many mods that offer the same items ingame, but I recommend searching the Steam workshop until you are satisfied.

    I hope that I was able to help out!


    TruckersMP Support


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