Posts posted by -Tomukas-
Dear 低调@飘过
First of all thank you for creating a suggestion, but because you do not comply with the suggestion format, I lock this suggestion and move it to the Trash section. Please, if you want to create a suggestion, you must first comply with the format and you should tell the complete details in full detail of your suggestion. You should comply with the suggestion format within 3 days. Thank you for your understanding.
You can open a suggestion by obeying the format again.
If you have any question, do not be afraid to PM me :=)
Dear [BTL] Jonas [GER]
First of all thank you for creating a suggestion, but because you do not comply with the suggestion format, I lock this suggestion and move it to the Trash section. Please, if you want to create a suggestion, you must first comply with the format and you should tell the complete details in full detail of your suggestion. You should comply with the suggestion format within 3 days. Thank you for your understanding.
You can open a suggestion by obeying the format again.
If you have any question, do not be afraid to PM me :=)
Sevgili @Serdar-samsun55
Öncelikle bu almış olduğunuz hata nedeniyle üzgünüz fakat, bu sorun bizim tarafımızdan kaynaklanan bir sorun değildir. Uzun süren çalışmaların ardından netice olarak bu sorun SCS Software tarafından oyunun sistemsel bir hatası olarak tespit edildi. Üzgünüz fakat bizim şuan size karşı yapabileceğimiz hiç bir şey mevcut değildir ancak, sizin yapabileceğiniz sadece bir tek konu daha vardır o da SCS ekibinin resmi sayfasından bu hatayı bildirmelisiniz. Tekrardan aldığınız hata için üzgünüz fakat TruckersMP ile ilgili olan bir hata değildir bu. Anlayışınız için çok teşekkür ederiz.
TruckersMP Community Moderator -
Onaylanmıştır. Başarılar
Dear @[BTL] Jonas [GER]
If you want to make a suggestion about any topic, you need to properly fill in the format that belongs to the suggestion section and then you can share your suggestion with the community.
Please fill in the format that I will show you below and give the necessary answers with all the details because let us better understand our attitude towards your suggestion.
Suggestion Format:
Suggestion Name:
Suggestion Description:
Any example images:
Why should it be added?:
Please comply with this format in the shortest time otherwise your suggestion will be rejected.
Also you can look at this topic:
Kind Regards,
Dear burkanss
Unfortunately today I am going to have to reject your suggestion as it is something that has been suggested many times in the past.
QuoteAdd mod *:
Generally, we don't add 3rd party mods except for aesthetic ones, this is because map mods bring a whole lot of different issues that we necessarily can't handle. Mods that affect the truck are also generally not accepted since they can have unexpected consequences similar to what we see with save file editing (parts in locations where SCS didn't intend causing crashes, etc.).The major blocker is the distribution of mods, the larger the mod, the harder it is to distribute. P2p would be an "easy" way, though it still requires infrastructure, in distributing the winter mod, we recently had support from, even then we pinned a 10Gb port for hours on end, imagine that we'd need that kind of beef every time we updated the mod. Even if we'd get the tail to come quicker, the initial seed is necessary. Add to that, you have to provide a backup since many networks disallow p2p traffic.
We could put the mod behind a paywall, but this is something we rather not, we believe that this mod should be freely available to anyone, with the only requirement being a purchase of either ETS2 or ATS.
More slots on the server:
This is something many people complain about, and we hear ya, we want it too, there's an issue we've not yet been able to nail down. We will increase the limit the moment we can.In future, please ensure you read this topic (and the reply) before creating any new suggestions:
Dear Popandau^
I am going to move your topic to the respective section since you're looking for Help. Next time, if you have any questions related to TMP, please consider creating a topic in the Help section as this section is not the correct place for questions or help related stuff.
You can find the help section over here -
The "Euro Truck Simulator 2 Discussion" section is for discussions related to the community and to Euro Truck Simulator 2, as well as topic related to ets2 and not for help related stuff.
If you have any further questions or inquiries, don't hesitate to send me a Private Message! My inbox is always open should you have any questions or anything else!
//Topic moved to the Help section.
1 hour ago, Serdar-samsun55 said:
Bakin hale bilgisayardan diyorsunuz bakin sistemi iyi olan ve bu sorunu yaşiyan arkadaşlar var
Ben anlamadim 1.30 dan sonra bu oyuna ne geldi ya ne bir dorse geldi baska ne geldi
Sanki oyun cok gercek grafikleri olan bir oyun hani yağmur yaginca niye yolar camur olmuyor yada niye tirlar kırlenmiyor hani bunlar gelse oyun kendini bize gosterse anlarim zaten
Kardeşim öncelikle lütfen spam yapma. Sistemin iyi olabilir fakat benim dediğim gibi bu senin bilgisayarın sistemsel özelliğinden'de kaynaklanabilen bir hata olabilir. Evet, Support arkadaşlar ticket/feedback hala cevap vermemiş olabilir çünkü halihazırda şuan bu konu hakkında çalışmalar yapıyorlardır ve seninde bu zaman zarfı içeresinde sabır ile beklemelisin aksi takdirde seninde söylemiş olduğun gibi bazen sinirli olduğun anlar sana olumsuz bir şekilde geri dönüş olarak yapmaktadır her ne kadar forum uyarısı veya benzeri bir şey olsa bile. Lütfen daha sabırlı ol çünkü şuan TruckersMP üzerinde 3 Milyona aşkın bir oyuncu kitlesi var ve elimizden geldiğince bu kitlenin her birine en iyi bir şekilde yardımcı olmak için çalışıyoruz.
Kardeşim bu sorun nadiren yani 10 binde bir kişide çıkan hatalar birisi olabilir, bilgisayarını değiştirmeni veya format attırmanı öneriyorum çünkü eğer bu TruckersMP'ye aitl olan bir hata olsaydı emin ol şuana kadar çözülmüş olurdu. Bilgisayarından kaynaklanan bir hata olabilir.
Dear marcus_c09
Unfortunately today I am going to have to reject your suggestion as it is something that has been suggested many times in the past.
QuoteAdd mod *:
Generally, we don't add 3rd party mods except for aesthetic ones, this is because map mods bring a whole lot of different issues that we necessarily can't handle. Mods that affect the truck are also generally not accepted since they can have unexpected consequences similar to what we see with save file editing (parts in locations where SCS didn't intend causing crashes, etc.).The major blocker is the distribution of mods, the larger the mod, the harder it is to distribute. P2p would be an "easy" way, though it still requires infrastructure, in distributing the winter mod, we recently had support from, even then we pinned a 10Gb port for hours on end, imagine that we'd need that kind of beef every time we updated the mod. Even if we'd get the tail to come quicker, the initial seed is necessary. Add to that, you have to provide a backup since many networks disallow p2p traffic.
We could put the mod behind a paywall, but this is something we rather not, we believe that this mod should be freely available to anyone, with the only requirement being a purchase of either ETS2 or ATS.
More slots on the server:
This is something many people complain about, and we hear ya, we want it too, there's an issue we've not yet been able to nail down. We will increase the limit the moment we can.In future, please ensure you read this topic (and the reply) before creating any new suggestions:
Dear Black_Combat_Killer
I am going to move your topic to the respective section since you're looking for Help. Next time, if you have any questions related to TMP, please consider creating a topic in the Help section as this section is not the correct place for questions or help related stuff.
You can find the help section over here -
The "Euro Truck Simulator 2 Discussion" section is for discussions related to the community and to Euro Truck Simulator 2, as well as topic related to ets2 and not for help related stuff.
If you have any further questions or inquiries, don't hesitate to send me a Private Message! My inbox is always open should you have any questions or anything else!
//Topic moved to the Help section.
Konunuz onaylanmıştır. Başarılar.
Dear MineSweGamer
I am going to move your topic to the respective section since you're looking for Help. Next time, if you have any questions related to TMP, please consider creating a topic in the Help section as this section is not the correct place for questions or help related stuff.
You can find the help section over here -
The "Euro Truck Simulator 2 Discussion" section is for discussions related to the community and to Euro Truck Simulator 2, as well as topic related to ets2 and not for help related stuff.
If you have any further questions or inquiries, don't hesitate to send me a Private Message! My inbox is always open should you have any questions or anything else!
//Topic moved to the Help section.
Dear ScaniaKing326
Unfortunately today I am going to have to reject your suggestion as it is something that has been suggested many times in the past.
Please look at this:
QuotePrivate servers:
No, the intent of the mod is MMO, if people get to set up their own servers, the player base will likely be spread out thinner and the map will be even more empty.
In addition to the above-mentioned things, the following ideas were already proposed:
Tab menu ID sorting
Real life time clock near the tab
Ability to scroll in the chat
Adding certain chat channels for companies, etc.
Clicking names to report people
Sync random events
Sync rain
Ability to see who reported you and when
Remapping keys
Reconnect button and changing servers without having to restart the game
Adding new cars for everyone/staff
Ability to make your own radio
Ability to request Game Moderators for an event
''Creating private servers''
Changing ban system
Adding AI traffic to servers
Changing the speedlimit
In future, please ensure you read this topic (and the reply) before creating any new suggestions:
Dear Alex1620YT
First of all thank you for creating a suggestion, but because you do not comply with the suggestion format, I lock this suggestion and move it to the Trash section. Please, if you want to create a suggestion, you must first comply with the format and you should tell the complete details in full detail of your suggestion. You should comply with the suggestion format within 3 days. Thank you for your understanding.
You can open a suggestion by obeying the format again.
If you have any question, do not be afraid to PM me :=)
Unfortunately today I am going to have to reject your suggestion as it is something that has been suggested many times in the past.
Please look at this:
QuoteAdd mod *:
Generally, we don't add 3rd party mods except for aesthetic ones, this is because map mods bring a whole lot of different issues that we necessarily can't handle. Mods that affect the truck are also generally not accepted since they can have unexpected consequences similar to what we see with save file editing (parts in locations where SCS didn't intend causing crashes, etc.).The major blocker is the distribution of mods, the larger the mod, the harder it is to distribute. P2p would be an "easy" way, though it still requires infrastructure, in distributing the winter mod, we recently had support from, even then we pinned a 10Gb port for hours on end, imagine that we'd need that kind of beef every time we updated the mod. Even if we'd get the tail to come quicker, the initial seed is necessary. Add to that, you have to provide a backup since many networks disallow p2p traffic.
We could put the mod behind a paywall, but this is something we rather not, we believe that this mod should be freely available to anyone, with the only requirement being a purchase of either ETS2 or ATS.
More slots on the server:
This is something many people complain about, and we hear ya, we want it too, there's an issue we've not yet been able to nail down. We will increase the limit the moment we can.In future, please ensure you read this topic (and the reply) before creating any new suggestions:
//Moved to Konvois & Events section.
Sevgili Doç.Dr. Ali Çelik,
Ne yazıkki şirketiniz hakkında oluşturmuş olduğunuz konu gereksinimleri karşılamadığından dolayı konunuzu kilitleyip çöp'e taşımak zorundayım.
Lütfen bu konuya bir göz atın:
// Locked and moved to Trash.
Arkadaşlar bana göre 150kmh olarak adlandırıldığımız hız sınırı gerçekten'de gecikmiş olan bir özelliklerden birisidir. Gerçek hayatta 150kmh ile bir kamyon/tır gittiğinde o aracın herhangi bir ne lastiği kalır ne de bir şeyi, kısaca araca ait olan nevarsa yol üstünde giderken ya kırılır veya parçalanabilir. Eve, bu bir oyun olabilir fakat oyunda gerçek hayatın bir yansıması gibidir, nasıl biz burada gerçek gibi tırları sürüyorsak aynı şekilde 150kmh sınırıda gelmesi gerçekçiliği bir tık daha arttırmıştır. Bu özelliği kesinlikle destekliyorum, hepinize anlayışınız için teşekkür ederiz. Teşekkürler.
Dear jhgames1024
First of all thank you for creating a suggestion, but because you do not comply with the suggestion format, I lock this suggestion and move it to the Trash section. Please, if you want to create a suggestion, you must first comply with the format and you should tell the complete details in full detail of your suggestion. You should comply with the suggestion format within 3 days. Thank you for your understanding.
You can open a suggestion by obeying the format again.
If you have any question, do not be afraid to PM me :=)
Dear jsmith18762002
I am going to move your topic to the respective section since you're looking for Help. Next time, if you have any questions related to TMP, please consider creating a topic in the Help section as this section is not the correct place for questions or help related stuff.
You can find the help section over here -
The "Euro Truck Simulator 2 Discussion" section is for discussions related to the community and to Euro Truck Simulator 2, as well as topic related to ets2 and not for help related stuff.
If you have any further questions or inquiries, don't hesitate to send me a Private Message! My inbox is always open should you have any questions or anything else!
//Topic moved to the Help section.
Dear Skalkery (FR)
I am going to move your topic to the respective section since you're looking for Help. Next time, if you have any questions related to TMP, please consider creating a topic in the Help section as this section is not the correct place for questions or help related stuff.
You can find the help section over here -
The "Euro Truck Simulator 2 Discussion" section is for discussions related to the community and to Euro Truck Simulator 2, as well as topic related to ets2 and not for help related stuff.
If you have any further questions or inquiries, don't hesitate to send me a Private Message! My inbox is always open should you have any questions or anything else!
//Topic moved to the Help section.
Highway speed limits
in Rejected
Dear Wolfie.
First of all thank you for creating a suggestion, but because you do not comply with the suggestion format, I lock this suggestion and move it to the Trash section. Please, if you want to create a suggestion, you must first comply with the format and you should tell the complete details in full detail of your suggestion. You should comply with the suggestion format within 3 days. Thank you for your understanding.
You can open a suggestion by obeying the format again.
If you have any question, do not be afraid to PM me :=)