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About Virouz

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  1. Virouz

    Lost profile

    Thank for all the help. I used the Hex to string converter and it worked. Had a little bit of problems finding it out since i missed a space between two letters
  2. Hi. I was messing in my profiles in documents earlier today and accidentally renamed one of my profiles. This made the profile i renamed disappear ingame, and i didnt notice that before i just started up my computer now. Im unable to hit CTRL+Z since the comuter was turned off. I still have all files from the last user but i dont know the long combination of the profile in my documents. Since i have all the files i tried making a new profile and paste all the old files into the new one. But my new profile didnt change to the last one that was lost. So i really need help!! And i dont want to start over in ETS2.
  3. Sometimes, you come by drivers that have trucks with really fast acceleration. So my question is, How do they do it? Do they code their game to achive the fast acceleration? I have tried editing the cargo_mass of the cargo im delivering, but no big difference in the acceleration comes out of it
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