Everything posted by Armonk
[PLAYER] @Rico. joins the TruckersMP Team as Support Trainee.
[PLAYER] @meLadyBear joins the TruckersMP Team as Trainee.
[TRAINEE] @Angel_Arrow has been kicked from the team due to ISP Violation. [TRANSLATOR] @ElectroHouse20 has been kicked from the team due to violation of the Official TruckersMP Rules.
[PLAYER] @Callum Johnson joins the team as Trainee.
[TRANSLATOR] @QF_Giulia additionally joins the Community Moderation Team.
[GAME MODERATOR LEADER] @CreatorInDeep additionally joins the Discord Moderation team.
[SUPPORT TEAM] @DJFrontier transfers to the role of Trainee.
[REPORT MODERATOR+EVENT TEAM] @EHHVTC - Ollie has been removed from the Game Moderation team while remaining in the Event Team.
[PLAYER] @akuponcture rejoins the Translation Team
[PLAYER] @Suleyman.53 rejoins the team as Game Moderator.
[TRANSLATOR] @IethaI transfers to Trainee.
[RETIRED TEAM MEMBER] @LaxZ rejoins the Media Team.
[GAME MODERATOR TRAINER+MEDIA TEAM] @dualznz leaves the Media Team, while remaining as a Game Moderator Trainer
[COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @arusf2011 [PL/EN] leaves the team. Thank you for your efforts!
[PLAYER] @sshadmin rejoins the team as Game Moderator. [PLAYER] @Chris [PL] joins the Community Moderation Team as Discord/Forum Moderator. [Trainee] [Community Moderator] @WhiteTiger_TMP has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator. [RETIRED TEAM MEMBER] @Arda. rejoins the team as Game Moderator
[PLAYER] @OBrasileiro rejoins the team as Report Moderator. [PLAYER] @Spat91 rejoins the team as Game Moderator.
[TRANSLATOR] @akuponcture has been suspended from the team due to external rule violation.
[PLAYER] @DaStrobel has joined the Add-on Team.
[GAME MODERATOR LEADER+COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @WarMaz leaves the Community Moderation team, while remaining as a Game Moderator Leader
[PLAYER] @ZefojGaming joins the Translation Team.
[GAME MODERATOR] @Suleyman.53 has been suspended due to Internal/External breach of rules.
[PLAYER] @[WT] Bingo [CH] joins the Translation Team. [PLAYER] @[RLC CC] vladdis611 joins the Event Team.
[GAME MODERATOR] @Noxii transfers to Trial Support.
[GAME MODERATOR] @OBrasileiro has been temporarily suspended due to Internal/External Breach of Rules [GAME MODERATOR] @Spat91 has been temporarily suspended due to Internal/External Breach of Rules