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 TruckersMP Profile
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Community Answers

  1. Ali.'s post in 100 % Map explored was marked as the answer   
    There are actually mods that are on the Steam workshop that outline what hasn't what has been discovered on your map and they can be really helpful when trying to discover the last parts of the map.
    Feel free to check one of them out - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=719282383
  2. Ali.'s post in Why nobody answers to my reports, feedbacks, support ticket's? was marked as the answer   
    Hello @LogRol,
    Firstly i’d like to apologise for your wait regarding this. I’d firstly like to discuss the feedback tickets, they hold a longer waiting time compared to reports, support tickets normally. There are a lot of feedback tickets and not as much of us as well as this we do this voluntarily. We all have real life commitments which can lead to longer waiting times however they’re all going to get seen to.
    Moving onto your support ticket issues - that’s far from our average handling time in terms for tickets. Your ticket is marked as critical so this appears first and we can deal with that. However I will take a look at your ticket and try to get an answer for you and a resolution. I would like to apologise for any inconvenience but we will try our best for you.
    I will leave this post open to any future questions however feel free to DM me any issues. 
  3. Ali.'s post in Expected ver. 1.33.2s You have ver. was marked as the answer   
    Hello @AffaFY
    Please ensure your game settings in the Beta options are as follows:
    Follow these steps if that doesn't work:
    Step 1;
    1. Open Steam, go to LIBRARY -> GAMES
    2. Right click on Euro Truck Simulator 2 and open Properties
    3. After the Properties window has opened click LOCAL FILES tab and press BROWSE LOCAL FILSES
    4. A folder with game files opens. Remember the path to this folder
    Step 2;
    1. Click Start -> Run (or WIN+R)
    2. Type regedit and hit enter
    3. Follow the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TruckersMP
    4. Look at the value parameter "InstallLocationETS2"?
    Step 3;
    1. Copy the folder address from STEP 1
    2. Change the value parameter "InstallLocationETS2" (Insert the copied folder address)
    3. Click OK.
    For more information;
    Please let us know if you require more help  
  4. Ali.'s post in truckers mp forum username was marked as the answer   
    Please try clicking this and manually changing your display name; https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/settings/
    Or go to - Account > Account Settings > Display Name
    Please let me know if this has solved your problem  
    TruckersMP Trial Support
  5. Ali.'s post in How do i report an admin was marked as the answer   
    If you are not happy with the way your appeal has been treated, you can use the feedback system - https://truckersmp.com/feedback
    More information below
  6. Ali.'s post in Made World of trucks account but dont know URL was marked as the answer   
    Just simply login to World of Trucks and then go to your profile on the website.
    That will then give you a URL that also has a number in it - for example mine is;
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