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Veteran Driver VI
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About _Balazs

  • Birthday 10/10/2001

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  • Interests
    Cars, technology
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Hungary: Budapest
  • Known languages
    English, Hungarian

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  1. Our initial plan was to only support ATS, where the National name would be perfect, but then we thought that we should expand our services to ETS2 too without changing our name. However, we changed our slogan from We Move America to We Move The World. I hope this explains it
  2. Aaanndd, we have reached 100 drivers, thank you to everyone who helped us since December, keep on trucking!
  3. Today we have introduced a new feature for our driver which is called "Special Events". By completing special events, you can earn rewards.
  4. In case you haven't already heard, National Freightways has a paintjob mod for the Krone DLC trailers too.
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