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Veteran Driver VII
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About toastedkebab

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    New Mexico: Las Cruces
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Newcastle-upon-Tyne
  • Known languages
    English, Swahili

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  1. Suggestion Name: Real-time map Suggestion Description: In-game real-time player location Any example images: http://ets2map.com/ (this map, in the game) Why should it be added? Well, you can check on it and see what is ahead of you, how many trucks and alternative routes to take in case of traffic, this can be on the minimap or whenever you press M, so the old map showing direction is replaced with a live one this would be helpful because you can see the densely populated areas and you might want to avoid those areas, and also cause you can join any ongoing convoys you see on the map. it is also helpful, it lets you know the exact place where a friend is, for meetups.
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