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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by craigp2017

  1. Thanks again MettleMeat for all the help.
  2. Thanks for the help MettleMeat. I'm a little confused on how exactly I use the command functions in game though, could you explain how to use them? Thanks again.
  3. yes, those are the exact spots I was trying to press and nothing happens. I can't even change my default channel in the settings. I can change the number but it doesn't change it when I go back to the cb. Most people are probably on 19 anyway, but it would be nice to have the option to change channels. On a related topic, do you have the procedure for texting other drivers? i can't figure that out either.
  4. Hi, maybe you can help me, I've followed the instructions exactly and have been trying to change the channels on my cb , but it simply wont work. Is there some setting or something that I've missed?
  5. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had trouble with trying to use the Multi Player mode logging in offline only? Every time that I log in now it looks like I successfully login, but when i go to drive I get the message "cannot connect to server, your client protocall version does not match with the server one". The game then shows that I'm Offline in the upper right hand corner. It clearly is in the MP mode as there is no traffic like in the single player mode, but also I'm not online with any of the other Multi Player members and there are other strange things like the traffic lights don't work. I have no idea what is going wrong, does anybody have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it.
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