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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by kevinTOC

  1. I've seen some people add text in color next to their names in ETSMP. (Like: [Something][Username]) How do I do that?
  2. Why don't my DLCs work on ETSMP? Shouldn't they work?
  3. I meant those mods listed in the #OP. The mony mod doesn't work, because apperently I can only open it with uTorrent, but uTorrent can't open it. And the XP mod doesn't work either when I put it in my mods folder. But I got my money and XP in a different way, though.
  4. Hi, I recently got ETS2MP, and it kinda works. First, I can type just fine with my keyboard on the login screen. Then, I can't type the "@" symbol, and then my entire keyboard doesn't respond. Help?
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