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Jamie Appleby

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Jamie Appleby

  1. Good afternoon trucking friends, what interesting loads have you delivered recently?

  2. Good evening everyone!

    1. 'Mousa


      Good evening to you too

  3. Thank you for the follow ❤️

  4. Good morning everyone, hope you have a good day!

    1. L-DR@GO


      👋 doing great 

  5. Good evening all, hope you're having a great day!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jamie Appleby
    3. EULas


      Cool we all same lul, thanks for follow btw 

    4. Jamie Appleby

      Jamie Appleby

      @EULasNo worries, thank you for the follow too! 

  6. Night ride in my peterbuilt
    On US simulation, the quietest I've seen it


    1. L-DR@GO


      Hahahah dark night 😃 

    2. Jamie Appleby

      Jamie Appleby

      The best time to drive, and take photos 😉

  7. Thank you for the follow ❤️

  8. [not my image]
    What is the longest job / route you guys have done? I think my longest was roughly 1,800 miles 😉


    1. L-DR@GO


      I can't even remember 😄

  9. Thank you for the follow ❤️

  10. What do you guys think of the camera mirror trucks? Do you prefer this type of mirror or do you prefer the "old fashioned" mirrors?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jamie Appleby

      Jamie Appleby

      Can't always rely on the new technology, always good to have the old mirrors haha

    3. Arf.


      Keeping it old school. 🙂

    4. L-DR@GO


      It depends my mood 😄

  11. Just thought I would share was I drive for work. Kingsferry coaches / Mercedes Tourismo 2018 model

    Screenshot 2024-09-23 172601.jpg

  12. Hey y'all, how you doing? It's been a while, but I am returning to the trucking world!
    More content to follow!!


    1. jess.thetrain


      Welcome back

    2. L-DR@GO


      Welcome back 👍 

  13. Few deliveries in my new P Series Scania






  14. Got to love these fuel stops haha, how often do you fill your trucks up?


  15. Good afternoon all


    I hope you all are well, I have been away for a while due to work and family issues.

    However, I am making a full comeback to trucking and will be posting loads more great pics again.


    The trucking love never gets old ❤️

    1. FourP.


      Good afternoon 

      I'm glad you're back ?

    2. Jamie Appleby
  16. Hi there,


    Thank you for the follow. I have followed you back too ?

    1. Nordic.


      You're Welcome and Thank you for your follow too?

  17. Thank you for the follow ❤️

  18. Hi there @MaximTV
    Thank you for the follow ❤️

  19. Coca-cola deliveries are starting again. Have still got the christmas themed trailer



  20. DHL or Stobart???



    1. PinkNub_


      Always DHL ???Nice photo 

    2. Anas trucker.

    Start of a rainy evening shift in finland




  22. Hey there, thank you for the follow ❤️

    1. PinkNub_


      Thank you for the follow aswell! ? 

      Welcome to my profile

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