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Veteran Driver II
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About LiudvikasLTU

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  1. I did actually think a lot about this before suggesting the idea: I think the real life situation has actually quite many similarities to this one. There are always ways to cheat around a driving test, or even go behind a wheel without having passed anything. You may last a week, you may last a month, hell, even a year, but you will eventually get caught for doing a stupid accident, and will have your ability to get a drivers license revoked for a long time, or even be put in jail. Same thing applies here. Those who drive unethically, will get caught eventually for ramming, wrong way driving or blocking someone, while not abiding some very simple rules. The community would start slowly cleaning itself up, but I think the most important thing about this is that the new users will not get the wrong example from other bad drivers about how they should drive around here. Currently, the flow of bad drivers is a constant, and consequently the massive amount of reports is also a constant. Some standards need to be set, and they won't solve the problems immediately, but in the long run they will provide a much better driver community.
  2. That is not what I suggest. With all due respect, please spend some time reading the suggestion more thoroughly.
  3. That is true, and that's why I think the test should be really simple. I have mentioned the simplicity aspect a few times in my post. These rules are just the uttermost basics and definitely not hard to remember, nor hard to follow. They would also make the life of an admin easier, as there would be less reports of unethical driving to dig through.
  4. I have been an on and off user since 2015, and finally got around making my first post. I have been thinking about this idea for quite a long time. Suggestion Name: VERY simple, one-time only traffic rules test, which should be required in order to be connected to a TruckersMP server. (Except for the no collision one). Suggestion Description: It really shouldn't be made to be hard, as this is a game after all, but it would really make driving a lot less nerve-wrecking and a lot more fun. I think there shouldn't be any theory to read, because many people get bored after the first sentence, so they should be given the test right away. If they don't pass the simple test, they will be encouraged to go and find an article in the internet themselves and read a little bit about the traffic rules, thus improving the learning effectiveness. Example image: Which things I think should be included in the test: Priority road / Give way. Uncontrolled crossroad with no priority signs (give way to the vehicles coming from the right). Driving rules in roundabouts (especially for Americans, who don't experience many roundabouts back home. They are really simple to explain, but prove to be a nightmare when drivers don't know the rules of driving in them). How do you properly execute an overtaking maneuver? Driving in the first lane of the road whenever possible (in order not to congest and block the traffic coming from behind you). How to make turns into/out of cargo terminals with a truck (several proposed yellow lines that represent driving routes, from the top view). Driving in a sharp bend (many people flip their vehicles, because they realize they are going too fast in a corner, so they slam on their brakes and start uncontrollably sliding. Choosing the correct speed before a turn, and maintaining it while driving in a bend should be encouraged). Several questions about the mutual respect between drivers. And this would be it. Why should it be added? These are just 8 questions, but knowing them can improve the quality of driving by a whole lot. Of course there will always be trolls, of course there will always be drivers who do not care about the rules, but many people will still learn something from it, especially the younger players, who will want to get their driver licenses later on in life. This is my suggestion, thank you for reading.
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