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Community Answers

  1. DJFrontier's post in MP Travando was marked as the answer   
    Olá, vejo que a melhor resposta foi marcada e a resposta confirmando a resolução do problema foi dada, esterei fechado e movendo este tópico para resolvidos.
    // Fechado e movido para resolvidos.
  2. DJFrontier's post in Hired Driver was marked as the answer   
    Hello @Tezzward, they work in real time in SP (Single Player) mode, in MP (MultiPlayer) you need either take a quick trip or sleep so that the profits are quotes for your account.
    Oh, do not forget to hire a lot of drivers and by trucks, so your profit will always increase every time you sleep or take a quick trip on the MP.
    I hope I have answered your doubts and see you on the roads of Europe, dear friend. 
  3. DJFrontier's post in Kicked on Server2, Reason: Acessory prohibited? was marked as the answer   
    Hello, this is a problem in TruckersMP, but do not worry, developers are already aware and checking the situation. Try not to use them for now.
    I hope I have answered your question. 
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