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Veteran Driver VI
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Posts posted by RapidFellow

  1. Ja. Im Singleplayer hast du den immer voll.


    Grund dafür ist einfach, dass die Zeit auf dem MP Server weiter läuft, auch wenn du nicht spielst. Dadurch läuft die Frist für jedes Angebot aus dem Frachtmarkt mit der Zeit ab und die Aufträge verschwinden. Normalerweise sollten auch neue erscheinen, aber das ist der Punkt, der nicht funktioniert. Die Job-Liste braucht dann immer nen kleinen Schubser, damit sie wieder neue Aufträge in der Liste anzeigt. Und das geht über die oben beschriebenen Verfahren.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Why should spawning with certain cargos should be prohibited? We do have a ghost mode. It's purpose is to avoid collisions when players are spawning and to allow players to spawn anywhere on the map without being afraid of crashing in someone.


    But the ghost mode does not accomplish its purpose yet. But instead of saying "ok, the easiest way is to apply the advantages of the ghost mode only for certain types of cargo and for certain pc specs and for certain areas", we should improve the ghost mode, so its advantages work for everyone.


    A question to these two posts:

    13 hours ago, Ajith18592 said:

    second mistake what you did was reloading previous auto save on while driving on highly populate area.


    1 hour ago, DanioUK said:

    In my opinion @Glada_Laxen you SHOULD NOT be respawn in the high traffic area such that shown on your video.


    Why not?

    I repeat: WE DO HAVE A GHOST MODE. It's just not working properly. Because: In fact, nothing should happen when you spawn there.

    • Upvote 1
  3. It happens rarely that there are other players behind you in ATSMP.

    tbh at this moment it doesn't matter what they think of you. They'd rather call you drunken if you smashed into a (invisible for them) random event.


    Try in every case to avoid a collision. If you cannot switch lanes due to an overtaking player, slow down. If you cannot slow down due to other players behind you, park on the side of the road.

    But this will probably never happen.


    If you record your gameplay, it is enough to slow down. If you get reported for the sudden brake, you have a justification :) 

    • Upvote 1
  4. Here's another solution that works if you cannot open the console and that does not delete any non-involved settings:


    Find the config.cfg file. By default it should be located here: C:\users\<yourusername>\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2. Drive, username, and location of the documents folder might be different from yours.


    Open the file and search for the line "g_minicon". Change the current number value in this line to "0".


    Save the file. That's it.


    Note: Deleting the file does also work, but you might lose some settings you had before, hence I do not recommend this way.


  5. 5 minutes ago, JimKnopf_17 said:

    Die Datei kopierten wir in das Windows/System32-Verzeichnis.

    Von wo habt ihr die Datei her?


    Ich bin nach kurzer Suche auf folgende Seite gestoßen, welche die Installation der Datei ermöglicht:



    Das hat bei anderen Leuten mit der gleichen Fehlermeldung das Problem behoben.

  6. ^

    Die einzig geltende Regel ist, dass er nicht missbraucht werden darf... zum Beispiel sollte man jetzt nicht extra oft auf x drücken um andere Spieler mit dem Piepen zu nerven, man darf keine Musik spielen, etc etc etc

    ansonsten stehen dir alle 20 Kanäle frei zur Verfügung.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, GGF MD said:

    Maybe the rules will be updated when the DLC is full supported!

    The new strobes are already supported, hence I think it's a justified question.


    Since the rules about additional lights, beacons and so on apply to save editing, I suggest you not to edit the strobes to any place.


    Anything being possible without modding is allowed.

  8. On 26.12.2017 at 5:37 PM, flybel said:

    So far there has been only one situation in which I made use of the Ghost Mode. I spawned on a parking spot between Oslo and Bergen where there is no NCZ. I was alone when I parked, and as I loaded the game again, there were a bunch of players parking, thus I was inside another truck and had to drive through another with Ghost Mode to be able to continue on my way.

    Ghost Mode ended before I was free of the other trucks, but I was still able to go through and no trucks were flying around in the end


    It might have worked this time, but as visible in the video and as previously said by Aragon:

    On 26.12.2017 at 10:29 AM, [TUG] Aragon said:

    that feature doesn't always seem to work.


    and I think this is the reason why increasing the time or disabling the ghost mode after a certain driven distance could make sense.


    Personally, I see no disadvantages. 

    • Like 1
  9. The best solution is save editing. I assume that there are no mods that have these specific weights, hence you have still 2 other ways to do that.


    First: you can edit the save file on your own. That requires some experience. The following guide might help you.




    Second: you can use a tool which edits the save file for you. For example, this one:




  10. ^

    But this does not solve the problem of the countdown which starts already during the loading screen. It's happens quite a lot that the loading screen lasts more than 20 seconds (at least for me). In this case moving out of way is not possible for the spawning player. 

    Hence the players which are already on the server have to avoid going throug a spawning truck (if possible). But what if they are waiting in a traffic jam and don't realize that a truck is spawning in them?


    Yes, the given video might not be the perfect example for that. But the early starting countdown can be a real problem, and I think this suggestion is a possible solution for solving this problem.



  11. Um welche Daten geht es dir?


    24 minutes ago, LSPD Gamer said:

    für Updates von irgendwelchen Spielen.


    Du könntest auf der HDD einen neuen Steambibliotheksordner anlegen und dann die Spiele dahin schieben.

    Wie das geht lässt sich leicht ergooglen.




    und das geht zuverlässig.

  12. Only official DLCs (except the Special Cargo DLC) are supported.


    Any other mods (doesn't matter where you got them from) will not work.

    There are some things that can be changed by save editing (which is similar to modding), but none of the things you mentioned can be done this way.

  13. Please keep in mind that all kind of mods are disabled in MP.


    There is no way to use any custom skins for trucks (you can try it, you won't get banned, but it won't work).


  14. Well... the thing is:



    The latest game version of ATS is not compatible with the MP mod, hence you cannot deliver these jobs in MP.


    You can either keep the beta and play in MP mode, or you update your game (choose "NONE" in the beta menu) and accomplish the deliveries in SP.

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