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Veteran Driver VII
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About iMarbot

  • Birthday September 30

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    London, UK

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  1. O.o I would have never expected this to be rejected... so many games do it, so it can't be insecure.... They just need a good encryption or at least just the email not the password....
  2. Suggestion Name: Remember Email Tick Box (& maybe password) Suggestion Description: Have Remember a Email (& maybe password) tick boxes on the Login screen as it is annoying to type it all in every time. Any example images: I'm sure you know what I mean without an image. Why should it be added?: It is annoying to type it all in every time I play the game, loads of sites and games have this so I think you should have it too.
  3. iMarbot

    0.1.1 Alpha

    Im getting "cannot validate version" D:
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