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Everything posted by ShawnCZek

  1. Zdravím, z důvodů tří denní neaktivity bude toto téma přesunuto do Nevyřešených. Pokud bys stejně potřeboval pomoct, neváhej nás kontaktovat přes systém podpory: https://truckersmp.com/support Děkuji za pochopení. // Uzamčeno a přesunuto do Nevyřešeno
  2. Jelikož dotaz byl zodpovězen, považuji toto téma za vyřešené. Pokud budeš mít v budoucnu opět nějaký problém nebo si nebudeš s něčím vědět rady, neváhej nás opět kontaktovat zde nebo skrze webový systém podpory: https://truckersmp.com/support // Uzamčeno a přesunuto do Vyřešených
  3. List of changes from 10th April 2020: Support for ProMods v2.45. Improvements to the Calais - Duisburg (road) map changes. Added content for Easter 2020 event.
  4. @DavinaTheWeena I am glad to hear that our changes are very positive for you. I would just like to make clear that this fix works only once you have the market filled with jobs. Therefore, if you find the market empty now, you still need to reset the economy. But then you should not have to do it ever again.
  5. List of changes from 8th April 2020: Fixed the very well known bug with no available jobs in the market of cargos (custom trailers).
  6. List of changes from 1st April 2020: Added April fools content. List of changes from 2nd April 2020: Removed April fools content. Added Calais - Duisburg (road) map changes.
  7. [REPORT MODERATOR] @AlmightyOndrej byl povýšen na pozici Game Moderator.
  8. List of changes from 22nd March 2020: Support for Spring Graphics/Weather v3.4 modification created by grimes. Removed support for Frosty Winter Weather Mod. Changed lights checks back to 21:00 - 4:59 for both games (might change). Fixed issues with the front chassis for Volvo and Renault after the latest Euro Truck Simulator 2 update. Added ability to hide your email address on the login screen which is saved for next sessions, too.
  9. Hello there! We are proud to announce that a new version has been released! Features Support for Euro Truck Simulator 2 [ e0862fcae485 ] Support for Euro Truck Simulator 2 DLC: HS-Schoch Tuning Pack Support for ProMods v2.45 Support for Spring Graphics/Weather v3.4 modification Removed support for Frosty Winter Weather Mod Calais - Duisburg (road) map changes Easter 2020 event modification content Added ability to hide the email address on the login screen Bug fixes Fixed the server kick for prohibited trailer combinations Fixed the very well known bug with no available jobs in the market of cargos Changes Changed the time for lights check back to 21:00 - 4:59 (for both supported games) Added an error message when the module D3DCompiler_47.dll is missing instead of an instant crash Added a proper authentication error when a different Steam account is used than the one attached to the TruckersMP account Updated in-game credits
  10. List of changes from 14th March 2020: Added content for the Racing Championship - Spring 2020 event.
  11. As the official package Laravel Socialite does not accept new adapters and Extended Socialite Providers maintained by the community does not have an active development anymore and its usage is not straight forward like in the first case, we have decided to create an own package that adds a Socialite adapter for Steam OpenID. You can find the source code on GitHub and view the package on Packagist. Installation For installation instructions, head over to the Installation part of README. Documentation As the package uses Laravel Socialite, the usage of the package is exactly same as with different adapters (drivers). Thus, consult the official Laravel documentation. Example Below is an example of a Laravel controller inspired by the official documentation. <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Lang; use Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite; use Laravel\Socialite\Two\InvalidStateException; class LoginController extends Controller { /** * Redirect the user to the Steam authentication page. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function redirectToProvider() { return Socialite::driver('steam')->redirect(); } /** * Obtain the user information from Steam. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function handleProviderCallback() { try { $user = Socialite::driver('steam')->user(); // $username = $user->getNickname(); } catch (InvalidStateException $exception) { return redirect()->route('login')->with('error', Lang::get('auth.steam.error')); } } } Contribution Any improvements or security vulnerabilities reports are welcome.
  12. A new version has been released, v1.0.2, to provide support for latest versions of used dependencies.
  13. Zdravím, z důvodů tří denní neaktivity bude toto téma přesunuto do Nevyřešených. Pokud bys stejně potřeboval pomoct, neváhej nás kontaktovat přes systém podpory: https://truckersmp.com/support Děkuji za pochopení. // Uzamčeno a přesunuto do Nevyřešeno
  14. [GAME MODERATOR] @Dominik [SK] se dodatečně připojil do Translation týmu.
  15. @[VIVA] Aborjin We cannot remove the right to delete an account for someone due to GDPR. Even reports that are dealt with quickly would be an issue and some reports might even take days/weeks to be proceed (due to different processes).
  16. [PLAYER] @Ratcho has joined the team as a Developer.
  17. [TRAINEE] @AlmightyOndrej byl povýšen na pozici Report Moderator. [TRIAL TRANSLATOR] @B&Č Transport RedPiggy byl povýšen na pozici Translator.
  18. List of changes from 28th January 2020: Fixed random server crashes.
  19. List of changes from 27th January 2020: Enabled g_set_skybox game command as it has no impact on the gameplay. Added support for: New truck paint jobs in an update of Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Chinese Paint Jobs Pack Company trailer paint jobs in Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Road to the Black Sea International Lonestar truck paint jobs in American Truck Simulator - Space Paint Jobs Pack
  20. [GAME MODERATOR LEADER] @TheGoodGuy1515 byl povýšen na pozici Human Resources.
  21. [PLAYER] @AlmightyOndrej se připojil do týmu herních moderátorů jako Trainee.
  22. [PLAYER] @B&Č Transport RedPiggy se připojil do týmu jako Trial Translator.
  23. Ahoj @Lennerine, Rád slyším, že tvůj problém byl vyřešený a děkujeme ti za zpětnou vazbu ohledně tvého problému! Pokud budeš ještě někdy v budoucnu potřebovat pomoc, neváhej znovu použít toto fórum, nebo můžeš také navštívit náš oficiální systém podpory na našem webovém portálu: https://truckersmp.com/support Jelikož tvůj problém byl vyřešen, uzamykám ho a přesouvám do Vyřešených.
  24. g_set_skybox will be most likely enabled again, a deeper investigation must be done to find all cons and minuses. Not all commands are properly documented and it is hard to find the limits of these game commands.
  25. List of changes from 13th January 2020: Blocked g_set_climate and g_set_skybox game commands.
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