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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Driver-Ramon

  1. What a lovely day boys. Can we get some followers today? I'll follow you back that's so fair

  2. It's nice to have a chat with me in a chat with everyone:D

  3. Who wants to follow me on the Forum? I follow back I think so nice :rolleyes: 

  4. And does anyone like me profile photo?

  5. Can someone help me? I just got rain in ats me to see dashboard 2 times and the rain itself just seemed on lego blocks have the same problem in ets2. If someone can help me with this problem, I'm really grateful to the genes. People say you have to turn off rain, but I'm so one who likes to play rain in the game, it looks a lot more fun. But if I always see the dashboard double and control the mirrors and lego blocks, I do not know myself anymore.

  6. Well I'm done eating somebody like ats mp? I'm ready to add me to steam ramonhooyer1 then we can take a look at where to go. I'm still busy with a freight.

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