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Veteran Driver VII
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About zeke

  • Birthday 04/03/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sarajevo -BiH
  • Interests
    Playing Counter Strike Global Offensive and Euro Truck Simulator 2

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  1. Happy day of birth!

  2. Happy birthday to uu 😇

  3. sorry but 8gb of ram ? and fx 6300 6-core procesor and gddr5 1 gb nvidia wtf ?
  4. Im realy geting mad about this my problem help me
  5. Hello guys After last update im getting error "An application fatal error Do you want to send crash log file to developers" and that is it what will I do ??
  6. Hello guys After last update im getting error "An application fatal error Do you want to send crash log file to developers" and that is it what will I do ??
  7. zeke

    0.1.2 R2 Alpha

    it says Download FAILED The operation timed out Check your connection then press retry oh oh oh I guess its too mutch for server
  8. I finished thx for the Clarkinator he help me on ts3 server I was doing it wrong
  9. Now it says your account was loockdown becouse too many failed atempts...try in half hour WTFFFFFFFFFFF
  10. Hello guys I have one big problem..When I register on yours site for playing ets2multyplyer I enter all password and mail and username.Okey and i go to my mail and activated link..Now Im loged into your site This is picture http://prntscr.com/5iiaiw but when I want to connect from game this username and password its says wrong password or dont exist WTF Help me guys I dont know what will I do HELPPP
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