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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. Ja ja - har måske ikke været den mest aktive på forum (hellere spille end side her og skrive). Men må nok sige at de sidste par opdateringer hvor de har leget med speedlimiteren har totalt fjernet min lyst til at spille MP. De sidste par dage har foregået i SP. Hvorfor pokker ændre på noget så basalt som den speedlimit som enhver lovlig lastbil har IRL?!
  2. Well - I've been rammed several times with the limiter on. I reported the rammers, but NOTHING happend to them. If admins still does not take actions on reports, then the game will beruined pretty quick.
  3. If this is indeed true - well then I've played ETS2MP for the last time :/ Trucks are limited IRL, this is a simulator - trucks should be limited in game also! Those who want to run without limiter should go to free roam server as always.
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