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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. Thank you for looking into this, Max Power. Reloaded an autosave, as there were no other feasible options. I think this thread can be marked as 'Solved'. Cheers, Xeno
  2. Hello and thanks for looking into the matter. I left a no-collision zone in Koeln (in my own truck, without cargo), stopped at the traffic light behind another truck (also without cargo), apparently waiting for a green light. Within seconds my speed goes up to 267176 km/h (literally, proof below in a video) and I find myself flying next to the moon and rotating like crazy. Oh, and I immediately received 100% damage (while I was at 0% damage while standing behind that other truck). This may sound strange, but luckily I kept a recording of the whole thing. Here is the link to the video (the whole thing happened about 1.5 hours ago): http://www.datafilehost.com/d/d99bc9b6 Please help. I cannot really repair, as the 100% done to me instantly is way over my budget, so I'll do some quick jobs I guess. But at least let me know how to avoid this, as losing a whole truck in one second is not fun. Thank you, Xeno
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